Red like roses fills my dreams and brings me to the place you rest

White is cold and always yearning, burdened by a royal test

Black the beast descends from shadows

Yellow beauty burns gold

- "Red Like Roses"

An animesque production by Rooster Teeth, RWBY is a series about four girls ([R]uby, [W]eiss, [B]lake, [Y]ang) attending an elite academy where they are trained in combat, and will eventually be stepping up to save the world.


Up to date. (Volumes 1-3.)


At its best, it is simple and relatively enjoyable. At its worst...the series constantly screams "wasted potential" - a lot of potentially interesting characters are introduced, and promptly denied proper screentime, or even have their character development seeming to regress. Awesome fight scenes are marred with terrible clichés (Ruby defeating JNPR single-handedly in a food fight being a prime example). Production value is noticeably subpar even to untrained eyes - animation errors and shortcuts are abundant.

Every episode is a matter of enjoying the characters, action, what little plot there is, all topped with constant prayer that more development will occur.