Pericles, Prince of Tyre

The king is having sex with his daughter, and to prevent suitors from marrying her, he asks them to solve a riddle. If they don't solve it, he kills them. If they do solve it, he also kills them, since the answer is "the king is having sex with his daughter". - summary of the beginning

One of Shakespeare's lesser plays (in fame and in reputation), the story is basically about...a guy, who runs around the world for a bit before finding happiness.


Besides the fact that the plot makes approximately zero sense, there is also the fact that the characters are of zero interest. Pericles is a dude who happened to discover that King Antiochus is fucking his daughter, so he runs away, marries some other princess, has a daughter with her, and that daughter turns out to be a Mary Sue in every sense of the word. They get separated. Then at the end, they miraculously find each other again, and all the "villains" meet some unnamed fate.

Seriously. This is all the plot and characterization is. Read the abridged version (link given in quote) if you want some amusement, but stay far, far away from the actual play.