Pacific Rim

Aliens attempting to destroy the world, and humanity creating giant mecha to combat them, piloted by two people who can essentially access each other's memories.


Since I saw the trailer, this movie has been on my "to-watch" list specifically because of one of my old professors, who taught a course on cybernetics and society - Pacific Rim promised some exploration of that theme, and I so I watched the movie with an eye specifically towards that.

So what'd I think? I suppose...wasted potential is what comes to mind here?

I mean, conceptually the movie is straightforward, without immediately promising gimmicks along the lines of Inception - for me, the potential is in exploring the relation between the two pilots of each Jaeger (the mecha), and all the cybernetics discussion that can accompany it (they seem to pilot the machine as if the Jaeger were an extension of their bodies). If not for any of this, it'd really be nothing more than your standard alien invasion movie.

But...instead, we get treated to a bunch of standard Hollywood crap.

  • mad scientists exemplifying ridiculous stereotypes (I see no reason why the math for predicting # of Kaijus should be more complicated than general relativity)
  • black leader guy that is supposed to be reasonable even though the movie clearly points in the other direction, then suddenly does a 180 and dies in a moment of glory
  • male and female lead get inexplicable close way too quickly (no, seeing the other's memories doesn't instantly make you guys BFFs)
  • random, uncalled-for snipes at various real world issues (UN sucks, we're destroying the environment, etc.)
  • and always that irritating random humor (that seems to be all the rage these days) that kills the mood for no reason

So yeah. Long story short, I think this movie spent its time inefficiently, or rather ineffectively - focusing on the stuff that isn't as original or interesting. And no, not having your male and female leads kiss at the end does not suddenly make your movie better - they might as well have, for all the development that happened prior to that final scene. I will, once again, refer you to Inception for a better example of "female character that isn't just love interest/sidekick".

At least the soundtrack (particularly the recurring leitmotif) is awesome.

Oh, and lots of awesome scenes of mecha fighting aliens. Probably should've mentioned the obvious from the beginning -.-