
Paint Comparison Chart

Unable to find a paint that you used to use? Has something been discontinued? Want to find the equivalent paint in a different range? Here is the ultimate painting matrix, comparing the games workshop Citadel paints with every known equivalent. Please note, hex codes are all approximate - double check before you get a batch of paint made up to match that colour!

(* = discontinued, ** = approximate, *** = coat d'arms match the OLD citadel colours so there might be some difference. Shining gold has the most noticeable difference,

**** P3 Paints did not really match very closely with the old GW range, but a detailed explanation of each paint can be found here:

***** GW's new range matches with the old range are the matches claimed by GW. However, many of the paints do not match very closely at all and some mixing will be required to get close to the original colours. If you are trying to match old GW with new GW, you'd be better just getting Vallejo game color or coat d'arms for the closest match )