Ngkana kam taraa kanoan ara Scheme of work 2020 ao iai kanoan week 12 ao week 13.

So, ti na bon keiakinna ni kabanei, ke kanga? Ok! Kaewei notes akana i nano.


    There is always a risk when entering a workshop. Below are some of the risks you may encounter:

Risk - kangaangaa/kabuanibai

encounter - ko na kaaitiboo ma ngaia


    So, when you are in a workshop you must obey the safety rules that are put up in the workshop.

Tia ataa taian risks aika ana konaa n reke nakoira ngaia are ti a kamanoira n baina ara safe work clothing and footwear. Ngke ti mamataku inanon te workshop ao ti noorii tabeua kaai aika biri n kangare teia ao tabeua a taraa n rejects. Ao ti tuangaki iroun te Supervisor ba iai ana "defects" kaai akanne. E taku riki ba defects bon buakakan te kai are e na aki konaa ni kabonganaaki. OK1 ti na noori tabeua defects aikai.

Man buakon buakakan (defects) kaai aikai ao iai aika bon aron rikiia (natural defect) ao iai aika a riki man ana aki tarabai te aomata (artificial defects).

Kaewea moa te rules, ao tamneina imuina.

Taian "shakes" bon natural defects naba. Noora kabarabaraia i nano.

 Ti na noora ngkanne taian "Artificial defects"

Nanon te taeka ae "seasoning" anne mwakoro irarikin Artificial defects i eta e bon kaineti ma aia makuri aomata n kanakoa ranin te kai, n aron taawana i aan te riringa, ke inanon te auti ae kabuebue.

Iai naba 'defects' aika a reke man te conversion. Te conversion bon aron korean te kai man te "log" nakon te "timber." Uoua aika a oti inano.

te log bon te kai ke te ana trunk te tree

te timber bon te kai are e a tia ni koreaki nakon sizes aika a kakaokoro (te kai n imatang)


Bucking is the process of cutting a felled and delimbed tree into logs. This can be a complicated process because logs destined for plywood, lumber, and pulp each have their own price and specifications for length, diameter, and defects. Significant value can be lost by sub-optimal bucking. Wikipedia

Debarking is the process of removing bark from wood.

1. Kaitiakan, korekorean, kamauan, burenakin ao tuoan te kai imwaain kaboakinakona.

Wood drying reduces the moisture content of wood before its use. When the drying is done in a kiln, the product is known as kiln-dried timber or lumber, whereas air drying is the more traditional method.

Reitan ami notes ikai.