The MOE of Kiribati has introduced a new curriculum to be implemented from the year 2023 for Year 10 students in a few piloted Kiribati High Schools. Initially, SFHS was not part of the group, however, at the later part of the year (2023), and with the satisfaction and approval of the National TVET Coordinator (CDR) our school has been accepted to be one of the pilot schools. However, corresponding with MOE mid-Term1 2024, and to the School's dismay, our inclusion as one of the Pilot Schools has not been recognized by the National Exam Unit, thus they will not include in their Internal Exam the TVET Electives that our students have spent a full Term studying.

This curriculum consists of several interlinked subjects grouped into 'compulsory' subjects and 'elective subjects. They are as follows:

Compulsory subjects are:

The 'elective subjects' are shown in the Table below:

Correction: Just been informed (early April, 24) by officials from CDR and EU that our school has never been granted acceptance into the TVET pilot program. The light is no longer shining bright, sad to say, after being led to believe that we were in.

Note: N ana visit te TVET Coordinator mai Tarawa nakon te Reirei n ra banenTerm 3, 2023, ao e confirm ba ana bane ni kabonganaaki electives akana i eta, ao iai te new addition nako iai ba te "Building & Construction"

Note to I-Kiribati Students:


Nte ririki aei 2023 ao e a tiba introduce-naki n ana curriculum ae boou kaain te koraki aua, ke F4 ke Year 10 te reirei i aon itera aika maiti ae te TVET.

E a waakinaki ngkai i SFHS i Kiritimati n aron are e barongaia te MOE i bukiia kaain te koraki aua n te ririki aei 2023.

Te TVET programme @ SFHS

Te Course aei bon uoua te ririki maana ni karaoaki, Iai uoua ana itera aika taiani 'Complusory subjects' (3 maitina) ao taiani subjects aika a reke ba 'Elective subjects' (3 naba maitiia). Total n uoua te ririki - 6 te subjects.

I SFHS ao bon 3 te F4s ba F4A, F4B ao F4C, ao a bon tatannako aia interest ataei ngke  a tangiraki ba ana kakaea teniua (3) elective subjects. E ngae n anne ao SFHS e bon kataiia n tobaa nanoiia ataei n F4 ni kabane n aia choices are a keen iai ao tao bon kabaiaiia nakon taai ake i mwaiia.

Te Maie n tain kaukan te Maneaba.

Tamneia kaain F4A TVET class ngke a korea kain aia Kaibaoki are aia bai n practice i mwaain aia major project. 

(Project Photos at St. Louis High School 2011 -) slhs Industrial Arts Department ( 

E katauraoaki te site aio iroun Teatarake T. Rotan

Bon ami tia reirei ngkoa n reirei aikai:

St. Francis, Christmas Is (2023- )

HBHS (Beru Is -2021-22)

WGMC (Tarawa - 2016 - 20)

SLHS (Tarawa - 2011 - 2015)

COGHS (Tarawa - 2009?)

JSS Banaba (Banaba) (2006/7)

St. Francis (Kiritimati - 2005?)

MTSS (Tabuaeran) (2003/4)

KGV/EBS (Tarawa - 2000/2)

NHS (Nauru) (1999)

LPS (Levuka, Fiji) (1993-97)

RHS (Rabi, Fiji - 1987 -1990 )

I nano ikai bon tabeua tamneia ataei man aia reirei aika a kakaokoro ma aia projects aika a karaoi i bukin aia IAs.

F6 Design Technology 2021 @ HBHS, Rongorongo, Beru

A Dining table design for boarders @HBHS designed and made by Senytasi (front, right) as her IA Directed Project. E taraa naba te aki kabane mwane ao tokina e katea ana taibora aio n tii tebaana te standard plywood board.

Currently, the school does not have available funds to make a further 16 similar tables for the 200+ students. We will be forever grateful for any kind hearted sponsor who can donate to the making of the much needed tables. At present all the students are eating their meals on the sometimes cold and dirty floor.

Contact: Principal at <> or <> to donate. Thank you.


Independent Project IA 2: "Contemporary Home Designs for Kiribati"

Their second IA project is designing a contemporary home design suitable for Kiribati. This project, contrary to the Directed Project, is to be done solely by the students. From the Design stage to their Evaluation. Tasks involve drawing a Plan or Working drawing complete with dimension, a site plan and working out the cost of material.

Imeta Tekieta   (first photo below)

A single unit in the shape of a horseshoe is favored by Imeta. It has 3 bedrooms, a large sitting room, a kitchen/dining area and interior toilet/bathroom. The building is raised on a bedrock foundation in case of coastal flooding or tide surges.

Obwaia Taburong   (second photo)

A double storey building with spacious rooms for the family. It has the usual household amenitieswhich include a large lounge area that provides a picturesque view of, whether it be the lagoon, nearby islets or the hussle and bustle of the one road on the island. It has an interior stairs that provides access to both ground and top levels, and is located conveniently close to the ablution rooms. A large balcony at the top level provides a relaxing area for afternoon BBQs and socialising, if not watching the setting of the sun.

Tebwatiata Boua   (third photo below)

 A double storey building  that combines a home and a Wholesale/Retail agency. The living area is at   the top and business part located at ground level.     However, there is also room for storage at the top level. The two levels are joined by an exterior stairway leading to a wide balcony that can be used for both business or pleasure activities. It also boasts of a spiral stairways that is installed further back in the interior of the building.

Directed Project IA 1, 2020

Their first project of the year is 'finding' a design and technology for a flood adaptable house that can be built in Kiribati with available material and professionals. The design is simple as with its making. With the use of only several materials it is quite cheap to build. The illustration below shows how their technology works.

Class of 2019 with models of their Independent projects

The theme of their project:  A Self-Cooling Home

They went through a Design Process that involved researching, making working drawings (Plans), a scaled pictorial drawing of the complete home and a scaled model which you can see them holding. Contained in their individual portfolios is a detailed description on why they think their design is self cooling, supported by scientific laws of nature. Ko kan katea am auti ae kamaitoroaki man ana makuri te aonaaba? Karekea am tai ma ngaiia ba ana kabarabaraa aia design nakoim. Uringnga ba iai aia consultation fee, he, he. . .

First photo: Iotati with his 'buia' design home

Second photo: Tauroba incooperating the Australian verandah design to his own

Third photo: Koobuti with a modern design

            Iotati                            Taorobwa                        Koobuti

Behind the scenes


Taniera, THE Man, from Buariki, Tarawa-I-eta, has flown to Fiji on a 2020 scholarship, with two other TEF03 colleagues: Baretoka and Timeona, to take up Engineering studies - the very first of WGMC TEF students to pursue a bachelors degree in Engineering. Their other classmate, Judo enthusiast Nanimatang has resolved to undertake an in-country scholarship at USP campus on Tarawa. Do us proud boys!!!!

TAAN KAMANGA . . . . .AOu?

Pics at WGMC (2019)

(Pic; far left) Miss Koobuti and her two assistants re-evaluating their design of a kitchen/dining affordable unit (KSSC 2019 Directed Project) with all the essentials.

(Pic; left) Tawateiti and Tiona are currently doing 2020 in-country scholarships at USP Tarawa campus

(Pic; Far left) Miss Waisy and Mr. Taumarea have also secured 2020 scholarships and are in Fiji. Miss Viena, from Tarawa-i-eta, (leaning middle) is based at USP campus, Tarawa. Teacher is the renown LLF linguist Aaranga Emosi.

(Pic; left)  Nei Tiona, seen here with the famous Arorae smile, prefers "home sweet home" so she is furthering her 2020 studies at USP, Tarawa campus.

School Handyman Mr. Nemaia taking a 'nuutoo' break; Some teachers taking a walk-a-mile on Teachers Day, Physicist Mr. Warren contemplating his next teaching strategy.