Local and Contemporary Technologies for Music

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Music Genres:

A music genre simply refers to a type of music. Some of the common musical genres are folk, blues, jazz, rock, hip hop or rap, electronic, country, classical and reggae.

1. Folk Music

It is the traditional music of a particular group of people or country often telling about the history and culture, for example, country music. It uses string instruments as the banjo, guitar, fiddle and mandolin.

A pan-pipe group from the Solomon showing their stuff

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2. Jazz and Blues

Jazz and blues were both originally from Africa. Jazz has a strong rhythm and notes come between beats. Blues is a style of music famous for being sad. The lyrics often share stories from the tough lives of the people who write blues songs.

Music On The Vine's Jazz And Blues Festival of The Arts

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3. Rock Music

Music very popular in the 1950s - for twisting and body shaking.

Social dance

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4. Country Music

Country or western music is usually accompanied by string instruments such as a banjo, electric or acoustic guitar, etc. Dolly Parton, Taylor Swift, Shelton Blake top country artists/singers.

"Dusty"singing country music

5. Hip hop/Rap Music

It is spoken, not sung and the words rhyme, like a poem. Emerged in the 1970s as hip hop movements but in the 1990s use rapping with electric guitars, synthesizer drums and bass.

Hip hop artists

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7. Classical Music

Classical music is often

performed by an orchestra (large group of musicians), a choir (a group of singers) or a soloist (just one person). Three kinds of musical instruments are used; strings, winds and percussion.

Austin orchestra

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6. Electronic Dance Music

Music produced by electronic music such as synthesizers, electric guitars and theremin. Is known as House or Disco music.

DJ in action

7. Reggae

Evolved from the Jamaican music style ‘Ska’ which originated in the 1960s. but added electrical instruments.

The Caribbean music genre started with drums made from high-pitched snare instruments such as electric guitars (basses) and synthesizers.

Bob Marley in "One Love"

Please read only and try to remember the following information on the following

Watch movie for your conducting technique. Remember to practice only ONE pattern of technique. Do not forget the name of your technique.

Types of Musical instruments

There are several groups of musical instruments that are common around the world. These include:

1.  Keyboard instruments

2.  Brass instruments

3.  Wood instruments

4.  Percussion instruments

5.  Strings instruments,

and there are also

6.  Horn instruments

7.  Pipe instruments

(Do NOT kaewea te tamnei aikai)

Activities:(Do these in Week 10)

1. Identify and describe common types of genres existing in local and contemporary music industries. 

2. Name at least 3 examples of musical instruments under each of the 7 groups above.

3.  Create a musical percussion instrument, explain how it is made and its importance. Click here for ideas

4.  Name and identify different voice parts in a choir, a duet, quartet, te 'kuaea'

5. Choose one conducting skills method shown above and find a music/song that you can showcase your skills with. Check this out.

6.  An Assessment will be carried out upon your return on "conducting patterns"          Find a song or music that you will do a showcase on conducting it.

Click here for Work on Week 11