Kiribati Youths involvement in music and dance

The youths are usually the ones preferred to provide entertainment for most social functions in the private sector (church, community, family) as well as for government functions.

Their entertainment can be in the form of dancing, singing, action chorus with the accompaniment of traditional music instruments (guitar, ukelele, a box) or contemporary music instruments/equipment such as percussion instruments and CD players.

Dancing nowadays are contemporary in nature and are in the form of western hip hop, black American rap, Cook island tamure, Maori haka and Indian Sattriya dances. However, traditional dances can be seen in the more  formal occasions such as welcoming overseas dignitaries, national and individual island functions.

The traditional dance and music are being slowly pushed aside to the more upbeat and provocative dance moves of overseas countries and music equipment such as record players and huge woofers. This type of dance and music provider is largely preferred by the youths of today: singing western songs in bands, playing karaoke and, or, choral singing.

An "Idol" singer accompanied with a keyboard player                

and a large speaker in the background

   A youth band in Kiribati taking part in the "Battle of the Bands" in Kiribati.

The "YCL" Choral singers during a church                   Dancing in traditional costume to the             

service.                                                                       background beat of contemporary music


Youths Entertaining:

Contemporary dancing: Modern dancing               A group of contemporary dancers performing for

costumes,contemporary movements with              hire at a public square.

a hint of traditional heritage.




Young dancers getting ready for a show                CD cover promoting Kiribati music showing

contemporary dancers on the coverKiribati youth dancers displaying their

traditional dancing to the public overseas