TVET 2024

Ara Timetable ae ti na kabongana n 2024. 

Teina aio ba e kangaraoaki ma mawaan special classrooms ao available teachers, ao riki elective  subjects ake bon iai rekerekeia i marenaia. Note ba ti kan offer te maximum elective subjects ake ti kona n anga, are ana konaa n kaitaraa nanoiia ataei. 

E a bane aia moan ririki kaain te TVET Pioneers n 2023, ike a tia ni karaoi kakateniua aia subjects. Iai aika a mix ba tao 2 te electives ao 1 te Compulsory, ao iai te Form ae e a tia irouiia ake 3 te compulsory. Ao iai ae e karaoi 2 te compulsory ao 1 te elective. Nte ririki aio, ae aia ka-2 n ririki,. ao ana kakoroi maitin aia Compulsory ao aia Electives ae 3:3.

Form 5s TVET TIMETABLE - 2024  ae e oti i nano:

NOTE:  By the end of 2024, the TVET students will have completed their two-year TVET program by completing the 3 Compulsory subjects and any 3 of the prescribed Electives. As can be seen from our Timetable above F5A and F5C have 2 Elective options on at the same time, which means that there is a larger number of Electives being offered consequently. At the close of their two-year period, the TVET students of 2023 will have collectively covered the following subjects in 2024:


E ibitaki teutana kanakoan ara Compulsory subjects ma are n 2023. Tia kanakoa moa te ICT ba e na konaa ni manena aia ICT skill aio ataei n aia subjects ake imuina. Ao te Business Studies tia kanakoa nte kabane ba ana konaa ni katea taiani katotoo man tamnein aia small business teuana man aia skills ake a reke man aia electives.

Beginning of Term 1:  F4  TVET Orientation 

E karaoaki aei nte Monday imuin te School Assembly @ Paverello Maneaba. Bon te makuri ae difficult ba tina kataia n guide te students in choosing the "correct" elective are tao e kiin moan iai nte tai aio ke ae e iai ana tarena iai. Imuin kabarabaraan taiani electives ma te career ae e konaa n reke nakoiia, ao a anganaki aia tai ataei ba ana browse te list of electives ae e koreaki nte b/board. Ngke e reke aia electives ao a manga kakaea ba e mena i aan te Form ra, A nooria ma katoan ana elective  ake uoua riki ao ngkana e kukurei te ataei ao ea kaea te Tia Reirei nte Form anne ao n  register iai.  E manga maraki atuura ba tina kabaranta maitia maane ma aine n teuana te Form. ba e nooraki ba iai te Form ae ea burinako te maiti, iai te Form ae tuu aine ao iai ae tuu maane. Ara solution? Ngke e reke aia electives ataei ao a nako n register araiia iroun te Form Teacher  are e mena i aana aia chosen elective. Tabeiia Tia Reirei n Form 4A, 4B, ao 4C  ana kabaranta aia gender list nakon te total allowed roll of 33: 16 boys 16 girls. Ataei aika a late n  register araia a  nakon te Form  ae uarereke kaaina. 🤨😙😮😆

Amended 2024 Timetable ibukin ara TVET subjects. Taraia, ba ana Timetable Form 5s bon reitan aia Timetable n 2023.

N Term 1 ao Teachers aika a assit nte TVET programme aio bon: Ibukin F5A Woodwork - Teatarake; Marine Stds. - N. Temari; ibukin F5B Accounting - Kaimemeri; ibukin F5C Marine Studies - N. Moanibou.

Te syllabus ae a cover bon are e katauraoaki man te MOE. Iai Teachers Guides aika a roko man last year (akea this) ma teaching materials n aron topics ibukin kanoan wiiki ma ana objectives (kanga ai te Scheme of work) ao "notes" i bukin taian compulsory subjects. I bukin subjects aika iai aia Teachers Guide ma akea moa te "notes" man te MOE a bon kaungaaki ba ana kabonganaa te internet i bukin kakaean aia notes ibukin kaekaan tauian student learning objectives.


N ara Reirei aio ao bon te practice ba e na iai te Mid-Term Assessment ao te end of Term Examination. A bon kaungaaki tia reirei nte TVET ba e na uoua (2) riki aia assessments aika ana karaoia - teuana imwaain te Mid-Term ao teuana imwaain te end of Term Examination.

Taian bwii: Assessments ao Activities aika a tauaki bwiia a konaaa n nooraki n aia ribboti ataei iaan te Course Work, ma aia bwii nte end of Term Exam, aika a konaa n nooraki n ana website te reirei ae <>.  Ana website te reirei aio a bon konaa n roko iai ataein te reirei ao kaaro, aika a bon bane n register nako iai ao a bon konaa n access nakon tabeua ana katanoayta te reirei. Kaain te public a bon konaa n tia mataku n ana homepage.

Term 2

Building & Construction Project - Slab making - completed 5/3/24. 

The project was initiated by the request from a staff who needed a stand for a small 1M diameter, water tank. The slab will act as the base. The next stage will be the laying of three rows of concrete blocks, as the stand.

After constructing frame. Frame is placed on site. Students are seen checking for levelness

Mixing of slab mixture: 3 aggregate: 2sand: 1 cement

After arranging reinforcement rods cement mixture is poured into frame.

Finishing touches applied to 'slab'.

KATANOATA: Kamaunakin te "Building & Construction' (B&C) elective man te KNSC

Imwiin te kariai ba ena konaa n uaakinaki te B&C n 2024, ao tia manga kubanako ngke ti kaongoaki ba ena aki ira te ukouke n banen te ririki. A nangi nanokawaki ara ataei ngke a kaongoaki ba a irantaanga aia makuri ma aia kaewe naotes inanon 7 te wiiki, ao nangaia bon tieai n banen te ririki. E nangi rokoraoi aia combination ataei aikai ba te Graphical Drawing, te Woodwork ao te Building & Constrcution, aika a bon rekereke n te makuri n real life.

I bukin te kanganga ane e oti i eta ao tia manga ibita ana elective Form 5A nakon te Marine Studies.