Hospitality 1 (Year 10/11)

Te Hospitality bon teuana te TVET elective subject ae e labaatia te MOE ba buokaia ataein n kakaea aia future career. Nte tai moa aei ao e tuai ni banin raoi ana TG man te CDR. E ngae n ane ao iai ara ataei aika a kaota nanoiia ni kan pursue te reirei i aon aei, imwuin rokoiia ataein te BYC n promote te Tourism industry n ara Reirei n 2023. Ao bukina ba ara Tia Reirei temanna ae e a tia n anga naba te course iaon aei n kauarinan tabeua ao ti nooria ba ti konaa ni waaki imwaain tian ao rokon te TG man te MOE. Nte ririki aei 2024 ao kaain te koraki nimaua teuana (F5C) e a tia ni kaokoroaki ba a tia n rinea aia elective aei. Mwaitia bon 21 (mwaane ma aine).

I bukin akean moa, nte tai aio, ara TG ao tia kabonganaa te 'GCSE HOSPITALITY and CATERING, by Judy Gardiner, aika a kabonganaaki n tabeua Reirei n te Betebeke, Ao man te boki aio ao tia kakaea relevent topics ibukin ara Year10/11 students i aon Kiritimati, ba bon iai aia strengths ma aia weaknesses aika okoro ma ataein Tarawa ma abwamakoro nako. Te kantaninga ba ngkana e roko ara TG man te MOE ao tia manga karaoi topics ake akea iroura n ara "SOW" ae ti draft ibukin te Term aio. Aio ngkanne tamnein ara areas are ti na cover:



Knowledge and Understanding



Types of Establishments

Identify establishments as Residential, Non-residential  Non-commercial from establishments such as:

·        Hotels

·        Motels

·        Guest houses

·        Restaurants

·        Take-Aways

·        Mobile Food vendor

Types of Services

Identify types of services the establishments provide

·        Food

·        Drink

·        Bed

Types of Food service

Identify and explain types of food services such as:

·        Counter service

·        Buffet service

·        Transported meal service

·        Gueridon service

Types of Client Groups

Classifies customers into children, young adults, adults, elderly, special needs, school children, office workers,


Job Descriptions

Identifies job title and responsibilities of various staff members in the Front office area, the Kitchen/Dining and the accommodation areas such as

·        Head Receptionist to Porter

·        Head Chef to Assistant Cooks

·        Head Waiter/Waitress to Wait staff

·        Head Housekeeper to Chambermaid


Customer care

Demonstrate the understanding of the importance of good customer care. Understands the reason why good customer care should be practiced for the full stay of the guest/customer.

Understand protocol practices.

Communication and Record Keeping



Nutrition values

Identifies and classifies types of food material and their availability.

·        Compare nutritive values of food and drinks

·        Compare and recognize reasons for popularity of any food and drink

·        Identify the consequences of adhering to a staple diet

·        Explain what Balanced Diet is and how it can be produced by available food material locally



Food poisoning

Identify and know the symptoms of common food poisoning caused by various bacteria and viruses, and other sources.

Use standards and hygiene practices when handling, storing, preparing , cooking and serving food.



Demonstrate understanding of appropriate standards of personal hygiene, kitchen hygiene and Toilet/bathroom hygiene

Cleaning agents

Demonstrate understanding of various cleaning agents and their specific uses

Health and Safety


Skills - Technical


Booking a guest into the establishment

Demonstrate and explain the process of booking guests, making table reservations, and which other staff members will be contacted or asked to assist the guest.

Team work


Table setting

Demonstrate skills in preparing table for formal occasions and setting for casual eating

Serving guests

Understand protocol in seating guests, offering menu, whom to serve first and last, which side to serve and buss, how payment should be done

Serving drinks

Demonstrate and explain how regular “tea” is served, water, wine and alcoholic drinks. Identify and explain the types of drinking vessels used for each occasion.

Local Breakfast Foods


Local Fish & Meat Products


Contemporary Appetizers & Desserts



Cleaning and organizing rooms

Demonstrate skill in using appropriate cleaning agents for the right job. Ability to clean hand sinks, toilet bowl, shower stall, etc. demonstrate skill in systematically clean room and proper making of the bed.

Demonstrate knowledge on what protocol practice and responsibilities required for:

·        Check-in room

·        Occupied room

·        Check-out room

Skills - Design


Planning a special menu

Show ability to demonstrate understanding on how answering the four “Ws” – who, when, what, when

Kitchen layout

Demonstrate the understanding that safety comes first in every area of kitchen