New Fishing Technologies

Reitan ami Traditional fishing techniques

Fishing technologies are ways of catching fish using various types of methods or technologies. This include:

            1.  A fishing reel is a cylindrical device attached to a fishing rod used in

                 winding and stowing line

                2.  Fishing techniques include hand-gathering, spearfishing, netting,

        angling and trapping.Recreational fishers fish for pleasure or sport, while

        commercial fishers fish for profit.

                3.  A fish aggregating (or aggregation) device (FAD) is a man-made object

used to attract ocean going pelagic fish such as marlin, tuna and mahi-mahi (dolphin fish). They usually consist of buoys or floats tethered to the ocean floor with concrete blocks. FADs attract fish for numerous reasons that vary by species.


                   4.  Types of knots:

        Fish has been the main diet of the I-Kiribati. Therefore, learning how to catch fish has been a priority in young man's life. Because of the different island formations of the Kiribati group, each island has it's own unique style of fishing. 

       Te ika bon kanaia kaain Kiribati. Ngaia are te akawa bon te rabakau ae e riai n reke n maiun te ataeinimaane. Bukin nen abwamakoro aika a a mena iai ma aia marawa aika a kakaokoro ao e na boni iai naba te okoro n aron te akawa.

          However, with the growing population coastal fish has been declining. There is over-fishing done in some areas, and even undersized fish are collected for the pot.

        Irarikin anne, ao maitin te ika i rarikin te aba a moanna n bane. E nangi korakora te akawa n bakatae, ao a bon anaaki naba ika aika a uarereke i bukin te baata.

        Some fishing techniques are making a great impact on the amount of fish taken from the sea. Experts say that if this kind of fishing is allowed to continue the oceans will soon run out of fish.

        E bon nooraki muin tabeua aanga n akawa man maitin iika aika a anaanaia mai marawa. A taku taan rabakau ba ngkana e aki katokaki taian aekan akawa aikai ao e na bni bane te ika i marawa.

Fishing techniques that are ecologically sustainable.

    Both purse seining and longlining are efficient fishing methods. These techniques can catch hundreds or thousands of fish at a time. Catching so many fish at a time can result in an immediate payoff for fishers. Fishing this way consistently, however, leaves few fish of a species left in the ocean.

     Te purse seiner ma te longline bon aekan akawa aika a nani rokoraoi. Aekan akawa aikai a bon konaa n karekea e ngaa ma ngaa iika n tii teuana te tai. Kamaneaia iika n tii teuana te tai e boni konaa naba ni mane aekan ika ake a aki kainanoaki. Kateimatoaan te aekan akawa aei e na boni kabanea tabeua aekan ikan marawa.

Purse Seine

Purse seine fishing is a consistent and efficient method, enabling fishers to catch and freeze large quantities of tuna.

Why is purse seiner bad?

Purse seine fishing can have negative impacts on fish stocks because it can involve catching other fish species, which will be discarded, and it can put too much pressure on fish stocks.

Longline fishing,

Longline or longlining, is a commercial fishing technique. It uses a long line, called the main line, with baited hooks attached at intervals by means of branch lines called snoods (or gangions).

Why is longline fishing harmful?

Another problem with longline fishing is entanglement. Sea birds, turtles and marine mammals that happen to be near the long fishing lines can get unintentionally ensnared. The hooks can tear or even tear off fins, wings and other body parts, killing the victims.


Trawling: It consists of throwing big nets into the seabed, which are ballasted and then pulled for their collection, so they capture everything in their path. This includes species which will be of no use, coral destruction, etc. It is one of the least selective fishing methods, and very harmful to sea bottoms.

Why is trawling bad?

Bottom trawling - dragging nets across the sea floor to scoop up fish - stirs up the sediment lying on the seabed, displaces or harms some marine species, causes pollutants to mix into plankton and move into the food chain and creates harmful algae blooms or oxygen-deficient dead zones.

Drift net fishing

What is drift net fishing and why is it harmful?

Because drift nets are not very selective of species, their use results in a large by-catch of non-target fish, sharks, turtles, seabirds, and marine mammals, which are usually thrown-back, dead, back to the ocean. Drift nets are an extremely destructive fishing technology

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Marine Safety Equipment is essential for passenger and cargo vessels, offshore installations as well as fishing and yachting boats.

These are some basic fishing safety tips to ensure that your fishing safety equipment covers your needs in all weather.

Watch video clip here:


        Project (Assignment due Tuesday 7th Oct.)