2011 The Village Fete
The cheque was presented to Ruth Denison, Head of Fundraising for St Michaels Hospice on Monday 20th June at the Farmers Arms.
The 2011 Village Fete was help on June 11th at The Farmers Arms. Many thanks to Simon Shorrick for chairing the Committee again and for all who took part in running and attending the event.
You will be pleased to know that the final total Monkey Island Summer Fete and the Wellington Heath ‘Bridge Drive’ made £1551.95p for St Michael’s Hospice.
Photos by Alan Wood and Richard Lee-Buxton
Pictured are some of the representatives from the Monkey Island Summer Fete Committee, Bridge Drive and Farmers Arms staff. From back left to right:- Izzy, Marilyn, Ian, Martin, Neville, Ann, Ray with Simon Shorrick presenting the cheque to Ruth Denison