Duplicate Bridge (Ledbury Club)

Ledbury Duplicate Bridge Club will be running sessions on Monday 14th March, 21st March and 4th April at Wellington Heath Memorial Village Hall (note not on 28th March as the hall is unavailable). 

Play will start at 14.00 (please arrive at about 13.45) and finish at about 16.45. Complimentary refreshments will be provided.

Visitors and new members are very welcome. Your first session with us will be free, (thereafter £3 a session), so please do come along and enjoy a game with us. Just turn up if you have a partner, or ring Ann Davis on 01684 311214 and we’ll do our best to find you a partner.

The club uses computer-dealt hands, and records of the hands played and assessments of make-able contracts will be available at the end of the session, providing opportunities for learning and improvement. 

We are are hoping to make this a regular weekly event, so please see our website bridgewebs.com/ledbury for updates.