Local Businesses

Businesses Owned by Parishioners of Wellington Heath

For information on each business click on one of the following links:

(If you own a small business and would like to have an advert on the website (it's free) please contact us mikebain3@gmail.com or chardlb@gmail.com )

Antiques & Interior Design

   1.Fontaine decorative antiques

Arts and Crafts

   1. Almost Welsh Soaps


    1. Jeremy Newby

Driving Instruction

    1. Loveridge School of Motoring 

Electrical, Kitchen & Bathrooms

    1. Simon Gent

Fencing & Paving

    1. Ledbury Fencing & Paving

    2. Leon J Skowron

    3. Jeremy Newby

4. B S Landscaping 



    1. Jack Guest - Gardener


    1. Berry Maintenance

    2. Simon Gent

Odd Jobs in House & Garden

    1. Leon J Skowron


1. Zoé Mayo Photography 


    1. Berry Maintenance