Hiring The Hall

Coronavirus (Covid-19): 

Covid 19 continues to circulate in the community, and we are aware that some of our Hall users are classified as vulnerable.

All hirers are reminded that it is their responsibility to put in place measures to prevent the spread of the virus. Hirers are particularly asked to ensure that the Hall is well ventilated during their hire period.

Photos of Hall facilities can be seen by clicking on this link: Hall Facilities

To Book the Hall for Single or Multiple Events contact: Sue Barnes using email:whmhbookings@gmail.com

Information about booking the hall may be requested by telephone ( 01531-248472 ) but all bookings must be confirmed by email).

Please look at the Hall Calendar to see what events are on and which periods are still available for hire.

Booking forms and conditions of hire are attached below. If you wish to book the Hall for a public event, that is an event where you allow entry to the general public, then special conditions apply which will be explained by our Booking Secretary.

The Memorial Hall Booking Calendar is shown below. Please click on a booking to see the period booked and whether the event is in the main hall, the committee room, or both. 

Hall Hire Charges 2021