Christ Church

We are part of the Cider Group of churches in the Ledbury Deanery. The rector is the Reverend Val Tait.

We are currently trying to raise money to repair the church roof. For details please see: Church Roof Repair Appeal

Christ Church is open daily, for private prayer. 

Please feel free to use this peaceful space for contemplation and prayer. There are displays telling the History of the Church.

Please contact Val on 634035 or on if you wish to arrange a Wedding, Baptism or Funeral.

As we emerge from the pandemic, the Church is organised to make it as comfortable as possible for all.

You will find hand sanitiser for your use. The chairs have been spaced out to allow for distancing.


Services are held every Sunday at 9:30 am. There are prayers held every Wednesday at 9.30am led by members of the Church. Every fourth Sunday service is led by Church members and might include a Taize style service. Details of services are shown on the Church noticeboard. 

Details of all Church services and other events can be found in the parish events calendar and are shown in green.


Ledbury Group Office                                        631531

Church Warden                      Derek Barnes      248472

PCC Secretary                        Amanda Wright  633325

Treasurer                               Marilyn Gilmore  633140

Friends of Christ Church       Richard Allsopp   635277

The church and cemetery is maintained by volunteers. We would welcome more helpers, especially for the cemetery, which has wonderful views to the west and a wildlife meadow founded by the late Peter Garnett. Please contact Peter Cowley on 634271.

Christ Church