Local Information
Upcoming Events
Marathon Quiz Night Attendees: Please see the following thank you letter from Emily and Katherine. Thank You
Our local MP Ellie Chowns has invited everyone to an "Ask Your MP" event in Ledbury on Friday 7 Feb from 7 to 8:30 pm at Ledbury Community Hall, Lawnside Road.
(Please click down arrow for details and to register a question)
Submitting your questions in advance will help her identify any common topics and concerns that locals have about issues that most affect them
It’s not imperative that you sign up, but it would be helpful to her and her team. You can do this by clicking on this link signup.com/go/FEVSxEv
Good News: The Parish Newsletter will continue with Imogen Peck taking over from the February 25 edition. Many thanks to Keith Hough for his five years as editor.
The next Parish Council meeting will be on Monday 24 March 2025 starting at 7:30 pm in the Memorial Hall. Other meeting dates are available here Meeting Dates 2025 . The agenda will be available here at least 3 days prior to the next meeting. Minutes of past meetings are available here.
Cast Photos from the recent WHADS productions "Don't Go Into The Woods" and "Wellington Heath PI can be seen here
Data Protection: For the website privacy statement May 2018 please click on: Data Protection
Do you have any comments about the website?
Would you like other information or links? Is it easy to use ?
We welcome constructive criticism, please contact us using one of these e-mail addresses: mikebain3@gmail.com or chard@lee-buxton.net
Web Team:
Richard Lee-Buxton: Tel 635116
Mike Bain: Tel 637316