Local News

Upcoming Events

Newcomers Welcome Event, Memorial Village Hall, Saturday 2 November between 10:00 am and 12:00 am.

Please see invite for further information

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: Further information will be published nearer to each event.

Christmas Craft Fayre: Memorial Village Hall, Sat 9 Nov from 10 am to 2 pm.  See official poster here 

All table have now been reserved. Any queries please contact Helen Mitchell on hmitchell73@yahoo.com 

DATES FOR YOUR 2025 DIARY: Further information will be published nearer to each event.

Acts should attempt to recreate the look and style of their chosen singer or group. On the night the ORIGINAL vocal recording will be played and the singer or group synchronise their lips to the vocals, without uttering a sound. The event will raise funds for the church so get practicing now if you want to win.

Remembrance Service: 10 November 10:45 at the Memorial Village Hall. See official poster here 

The next Parish Council meeting will be on Monday 25 November starting at 7:30 pm in the Memorial Hall. Other meeting dates are available here Meeting Dates 2024 . The agenda will be available here at least 3 days prior to the next meeting. Minutes of past meetings are available here. 

Data Protection: For the website privacy statement May 2018 please click on: Data Protection

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We welcome constructive criticism, please contact us using one of these e-mail addresses: mikebain3@gmail.com  or chard@lee-buxton.net

Web Team:

Richard Lee-Buxton: Tel 635116

Mike Bain: Tel 637316