Police LODD in USA

The real causes of cops deaths - http://www.odmp.org/search/year/2014

2014 - USA - 145 line of duty deaths

leading causes -

gunfire - 47

auto accident - 27

heart attack - 20

9/11 related illness - 16

vehicular assault - 10

(Here is the 2015 info - essentially the same distribution of causes - http://www.odmp.org/search/year?year=2015)


not mentioned above

police suicide in USA - 100 per year - per http://www.policesuicidestudy.com/

http://www.calea.org/calea-update-magazine/issue-87/health-and-fitness-law-enforcement-voluntary-model-program-response-c - police physical fitness is bad - 2002 ish report - heart attack, colon cancer, suicide, and back problems are major issues - lifestyle choices are more than 50% of the problem


Madison WI Police will practice mindfullness / meditation to combat job stress - Aug 2016 - http://www.news-medical.net/news/20160826/UW-Madison-joins-with-MPD-to-study-impact-of-mindfulness-practices-on-police-officers-well-being.aspx


Police need more mental health care - http://www.businessinsider.com/mental-health-of-police-officers-should-be-investigated-prevent-force-2016-8 - Aug 5 2016 published


New Jersey cops get skin cancer protection - https://www.gmnews.com/2016/08/09/operation-sunscreen-aims-to-help-protect-police-from-skin-cancer/