Hennepin County

https://sites.google.com/site/hennepincountyminnpublicsafety/ *


www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1DYu1QuKra0sWfQJZMMbtRMYsX_JgDXyR&usp=sharing  ... zerg90 primary map of Hennepin County and Minneapolis created 4/26/2022 from the areawide ma

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1VgswKKhmOZEJEK5mfpUXqY8HFBs&usp=sharing - Zerg90 map of stations - June 2017 ...  ( this is the areawide map ... which is essentially the same thing lol ... 4/26/2022  ]


Tthe 911 PSAPs list came from https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/ecn/programs/911/Pages/answering-centers-psaps-directory.aspx on 11/18/2017 - note that the Sheriff has 3 or 4 positions - all at same street address but with different 24 hour 11 digit numbers