White County

www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=11wcI25zcOse7Fsk7HqypYv1SHeETffPY&usp=sharing .... primary map for white county arkansas created dec 17 2021 from Pulaski county area map

2NDARY MAP .... Pulaski County AREA map ......https://drive.google.com/open?id=1szxHAJeQ4i56Nfy6sdiVmxnciiM&usp=sharing - zerg90 map of fire stations created August 13 2018


November 5 2018

https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/f1ffd5_492fad7299774b5baf04bab6db450200.pdf - townships map

I think these townships are only relevant for voting precincts

the county collector collects fire dues for 6 fire departments

the county ema director serves as fire coordinator for 30 FDs

the 'elected officials list' only shows county commissioners - and also aldermen for maybe 12 cities or whatever they call them - no fire district commissioners are listed

bottom line - I am not sure what the legal basis is for the 30 FDs nor how they decide their response districts