Second Response to chad

Post date: Feb 11, 2011 12:07:33 AM

Developer's Note: This is the sequel the critically acclaimed original Response to chad posted two days ago.

If you have not read that comment and response, check it out for the back story or you might get lost in the deep plot!

Go ahead, I'll wait.

Done? OK, without further ado, the exciting conclusion (presented without commercial interruption!) to ... the chad saga!

chad (February 9, 2011)

don't waste you money for 3 dollars you probably can afford to buy a bad piece of poorly designed software, but why waste the time and resources that your device will use to load this hot mess. The CTA's free system is better designed, free and you don't have to put up with snarky developers.

ch ch ch chad to the bone - Welcome back! Well since you lowered your rating from the high of a whopping 2 stars down to 1 (that's a 50% drop!!), I'm guessing I offended you.

I don't understand - was it something I said!?

chad (may I call you chad?) - to recap: you posted some legitimate complaints about the app and I tried to explain the issues you were seeing and elicit more useful, constructive feedback from you.

You left a two-star rating for my app and laid out how terrible you think it is instead of emailing me to discuss your concerns.

So what I do is rate your comment in the same fashion your rate my app for some good-natured ribbing. It's all in good fun.

You get to rate my app, so I get to rate your rating - fair is fair, no?

I don't mean to be "snarky", but it's a condition I was born with. I can't help it. Don't judge me!

If you don't take the time to email me and discuss your concerns, I simply have no choice but to riddle you with bullets of sarcasm.

Look, you paid for the app (thanks for the support!) so apparently you thought it was worth it and / or saw three dollars worth of potential.

You saw my first response (I assume that's what triggered this updated "review") so apparently you're still using the app.

You obviously know what's wrong with it and I can only assume you know how to fix all problems that make it "cludgy".

So email me. I would love to hear useful, constructive criticism from you. Let's discuss this like grown ups (if you are a grown up ... I actually have my doubts. I mean who says "hot mess", honestly!?).

Explain to me why is this a "bad piece of poorly designed software"? Explain why is it a "hot mess"? Most importantly, explain to me how you would do it better.

My apps currently have a 4.5 rating each, so most other people think differently. But clearly they're all wrong and you're right!

So share your ideas and suggestions and help me make the app better for you and everyone else.

If you took the time to write your reviews in the hopes I would improve the app, then help me do that.

If you wrote your reviews because you are truly disappointed with the app, then email me and I'll refund your massive investment.

However, if you simply wrote you original review to be negative, and lowered your rating further to be vindictive after reading my first response, well ... frankly, that's just sad.

~TK Dev - out.

My Rating:

don't waste "you" time for 3 minutes you probably can afford to read a bad piece of poorly written commentary, but why waste the time and resources that your brain will use to read this hot mess. Other users' reasonable comments are better worded, reasonable and you don't have to put up with grammar and punctuation errors.

So now what?

Will chad email me or update his comment?

Will this turn into a trilogy?

Will SuperMan get there in time!?

Stay tuned for the (probably not very) exciting conclusion!