Quick Treks


This screen provides you with a list of the closest stops to you based on your phone's current location so you can quickly get predictions for nearby stops.


When you first open this screen the app begins trying to find your current location.

Once that's obtained, the screen will show your approximate location and GPS accuracy.

The app will search for stops that are within the distance specified in the Settings.

The list will be refreshed if a more accurate location is obtained (GPS vs Network for example) or if you move far enough to warrant a new search.

Any stops that are found are presented to you in a simple list form, like the list in one of your saved groups, sorted by distance to you.

The top line shows you which transit system the stop is for, as there might be multiple bus stops or train stations in your area, and the approximate distance to you.

Note that this distance will probably never be exact as the stop locations and a phone's GPS are not always 100% accurate.

The next line show's the stop's identifying name followed by an abbreviated list of directions the routes that serve this stop travel in. If all routes travel "South", then only one "S" will be shown.

The last line shows a list of all routes that are known to serve that stop and the direction that they travel in, so you can choose which stop to get predictions for based on which route you want to take and in which direction.

Once you've located one or more stops you're interested in, just tap those entries to load route Predictions for all routes at those stops.

Action Bar


Plots the located stops on the Map. If there are no stops found, this does nothing.


Opens this help page.

Context Menu

Long-press on a stop entry to bring up the Trek Options dialog with the following options:


Allows you to set an Alert for an arriving vehicle.


Opens the Map centered at the selected stop's location and activates the stop so it loads predictions and shows vehicle locations (if available).


Allows you to Watch the selected stop.


Allows you to apply labels to the selected stop to save it for future reference.

The newly created Trek will use the default stop name, will track all routes at the selected stop, and will not have a destination stop set.

You can later go in and edit the Trek if you want to change any of those properties.