Supported Transit Systems


How many features are available in the app for a given transit system is dependent on what data the controlling agency for the given transit system provides.

This page details what data is provided by which system and what features are affected by the lack of this data.

Compatibility Chart

Below is the complete list of supported transit systems and what they do or do not support.

See the next section for what features are or are not available for each data segment.

Supported Transit Systems


This lists the data sets that may or may not be provided by a given transit system, and what areas of the app are affected by it.

Live Predictions

Indicates the system reports real-time predictions based on GPS data.

If not provided, the predictions for the system are based on posted schedule information.

Stop Locations

Indicates the system reports the locations of all of its stops.

If provided, users can find and plot stops on the Map screen and stops for this agency will appear in the Quick Treks screen.

Route Paths

Indicates the system reports the set of points that delineate a route's path on a map.

If provided, users can plot the paths routes take on the Map screen.


Indicates the system reports information for route planning.

If provided, the agency will be considered when getting public transit directions in the Trek Planner.

Vehicle Information

Indicates the system reports vehicle-specific information, like an identifying number or status information.

If provided, the app can set a destination stop for a given Trek to track a vehicle's estimated trip duration from the start to the end, and set a destination alert for when the vehicle arrives at the destination stop.

Vehicle Locations

Indicates the system reports the GPS-based locations of the vehicles currently running.

If provided, the app will show vehicle locations on the Map screen when getting predictions at a given stop.

Service Alerts

Indicates the system provides service alert information about changes that might effect customers' use of the system.

If provided, when getting Predictions, the app will also check for alerts and notify the user if any are found.