Home Screen Widgets


Home Screen Widget are "mini apps" that run right on your device's home screen, allowing you to quickly view information or execute actions without having to run a full app.

Adding Widgets

To add a new widget to your Home Screen, just follow these simple steps (may vary by device):

    1. Locate an empty space on your Home Screen where you would like to place the widget. Widgets come in different sizes and there must be enough room on the Home Screen to hold the widget you choose.
    2. On the selected space, Press and Hold for a few seconds to bring up a "Add to Home Screen" dialog.
    3. Select Widgets from the list.
    4. Select the desired widget from the list.
    5. If there is enough room on the selected space for the selected widget, it will be added.

TreKing Widgets

TreKing provides the following Home Screen Widgets:

Allows you to quickly bring up predictions for a single stop of your choosing.