

A Label is a unique identifier you can apply to multiple Treks. This allows you to categorize your saved Treks based on what you use them for.Labels

For example, you can create a label for all Treks used to get to and from work, or to and from school.

If you use the same Trek for multiple purposes, you can apply multiple labels to it.

This simplifies your full list of Treks and makes it easier to get find the ones you need depending on where you're going.


The Labels screen allows you to manage your list of labels. Initially there are no labels and you are prompted to add some.

When you have at least one label, you can click on it to edit its properties or delete it.

When you have at least two labels, you can re-arrange the order the labels appear in.

Action Bar Items

Add Label

Allows you to a add a new label at the end of the current list of labels.


Opens this help page.

Context Menu

Click on a label to bring up the Label Options dialog with the following options:


Allows you to change the name of the current label.


Allows you to move the label around in the list.


Deletes the label, removing it from any Treks that have it assigned. Any Treks left with no labels will be deleted.