Single Trek Widget


The Single Trek Widget allows you to quickly view predictions for a single stop of your choosing right on your home screen.

View the main Home Screen Widget help page for instructions on adding a widget.


Once you elect to add a Single Trek Widget, a configuration screen opens which allows you to select the Trek to show in the widget.

    1. You can adjust the transparency of the widget when it is not active, as a percentage. 0 is completely invisible, while 100 is mostly opaque.
    2. You can select a Trek from any of your saved Labels. Select a Label to view all Treks associated with it.
    3. Once expanded, you see the Treks that are tagged with the Label. Select one to close the screen and set that Trek for the new widget.
    4. If you want to use a new Trek for the widget, or you don't have any to use, hit the Manage My Treks button. This will open the app, allowing you to apply labels to new Treks. Once you've updated your data, go back to the screen and it will automatically refresh to display your new data.


The widget starts in a default disabled state. The name of the Trek is shown across the top.

Single Trek - Start State

Tap the widget to begin loading predictions. A message is shown when you start the widget.

Single Trek - Loading

The widget will then display the next predictions for the selected Trek, up to a max of 3. The prediction for the very next vehicle is shown larger and includes the route destination, if available.

Single Trek Widget - Predictions

When showing predictions, the time of the last refresh is shown in the top right corner, over the Trek name.

The widget will automatically refresh itself a preset number of times every minute on the minute for the most accurate and up-to-date predictions.

Once there are predictions showing, when the widget refreshes, no loading message is shown. Instead, a progress indicator spins in the upper-right to let you know when new predictions are being loaded.

If loading predictions fails, the last shown predictions are shown and the time is colored red to indicate that the values are out of date.

You can stop the widget at any time by tapping it again while it's showing predictions.

The widget will also stop itself after a preset number of automatic refreshes.

Once stopped, the widget goes back to initial disabled state, allowing you to start the process all over again.