Favorite Routes


The Favorite Routes feature allows you to reduce the long list of Routes for a given Transit System to just those that you use most frequently.

This makes it much easier to find and select a Route from what is often a very large list.

1. Favorite Routes Toggle

Hit this star icon to toggle between viewing all available routes and only those that have been marked as a favorite.

Note that any filter entered in the text box will apply and filter the Favorite Routes list as well.

2. Favorite Route

The gold star icon indicates the Route has been selected as a favorite. It will remain in the list when the Favorite Routes Toggle (1) is turned on.

Tapping the button in this state will remove the Route from the Favorite Routes list.

3. Normal Route

The grey star icon indicates the Route has not been marked as a favorite. It will be filtered out from the list when the Favorite Routes Toggle (1) is turned on.

Tapping the button in this state will add the Route to the Favorite Routes list.