

The settings screen provides many options for configuring various aspects of the app's functionality.

General Settings

Options for configuring general, app-wide settings.

Start Screen

Allows you to select the top-level screen to immediately jump to when starting the app.

Show What's New

Choose whether to show a "What's New?" pop-up when starting the app after an update.

SD Card Path

Allows you to manually specify the path to the SD card on your device.

This is for devices that have both an SD card and "internal storage" that is set as the default when apps try to store things on the SD card.

By manually setting the path to the actual SD card, you can ensure that the app saves its backup data to the SD card so you can move it to another device.

This also ensures that the app looks in the SD card for its backup data if and when you change devices.

Reset SD Card Path

Resets the SD Card Path parameter noted above to whatever it is by default on your device.

Reset Hidden Dialogs

Click this button to reset the state of dialogs that were previously marked as "Do Not Show Again" so they do show again.

Clear Cache

Click this button to clear the app's local cache of all saved files.

Use this option if you think your data is out of date or you're experiencing weird bugs or crashes.

Individual Prediction Settings

Options for configuring how each Prediction looks.

Number of Predictions

Sets the maximum number of predictions to show anywhere in the app for any Trek.

Prediction Offset

This setting allows you to offset the real predictions the app generates by a few minutes.

Use this in the event the predictions you're seeing are a minute or two later than you think they should be, or if you want to trick yourself into getting to the stop earlier (it's like setting your clock 5 minutes fast to get places on time).

For example, if a predictions is reported as 5 Minutes and you've set the offset to 2 minutes, the app will show you a prediction of 3 Minutes. Simple.

Choose between No Offset (Default), 1 Minute, 2 Minutes, or 3 Minutes.

Font Size

Choose between Small, Medium, and Large for the font size of the first row of each prediction which shows the route and arrival time.

Display Format

Choose how the predicted arrival time will appear.

    • Minutes Until Arrival - Ex: 3M
    • Time of Arrival - Ex: 1:03PM
    • Minutes (Time) - Ex: 3M (1:03PM)
    • Time (Minutes) - Ex: 1:03PM (3M)

Vehicle Info

Choose to display additional information about the vehicle for each prediction, if the transit system supports it.

This may include the vehicle number and destination.

My Treks Settings

Options for configuring the My Treks screen.

Auto Expand

Choose to automatically expand all of the saved Treks within a label when you select that label.

This starts all Treks in the label to load predictions, so you don't have to click each one manually.

Quick Treks Settings

Options for configuring the Quick Treks feature.

Search Radius

Controls how far from your current location to perform a search for nearby stops.

Choose from 1/8 Mile, 1/4 Mile, and 1/2 Mile.

A shorter radius will yield fewer results but execute faster.

A larger radius will take longer but produce many more results.

Number of Stops

Indicates how many of the stops found will actually be shown.

Select All, 1, 3, 5, or 10.

Map Settings

Options for configuring the Map screen.

Start At My Location

When selected, it will make the app immediately search for and move to your current location when you open the Map screen from the main menu.

If this is not selected, the Map opens at the last zoom and location it was when you last used it.

Search For Stops

Depends on the previous Start At My Location setting. If checked, once the app has acquired your location on the Map, it will then proceed to search for stops automatically.

Pan To Vehicle

When selected the map will pan to the next arriving or closest vehicle after loading predictions for a stop on the map.

This can sometimes make the map zoom really far out if the vehicle is far away.

If this is not selected, the map will remain focused on the selected stop.


Options related to the alerts that you can set.

Arrival Alert Tone

Allows you to pick any ringtone on your device to use for the Vehicle Arrival Alert.

Destination Alert Tone

Allows you to pick any ringtone on your device to use for the Vehicle Destination Alert.

Developer Messages

When you run the app, if it's been more than a few hours, the app will check for posts from me for different things.

If there is a new post since the last time the app checked, you will receive an alert notification which will allow you to view the post.

You can unsubscribe from these messages by toggling these options.

Data Backup

Import / Export

Takes you to the Import / Export screen when you can back up or restore your data to or from a cloud storage provider.

Data Backup (Old)

The old method for saving and restoring data to and from external on-device storage. This is deprecated and will be removed in an future release.


Restores a previously saved backup, overwriting your existing data.


Deletes a previously saved backup.

Action Bar


Opens this help page.