Response to chad

Post date: Feb 9, 2011 3:58:37 AM

chad (February 8, 2011)

meh... the trip planner works horribly giving the most convoluted routes without the ability to modify priorities (i.e. walking dist, train or bus pref.). It also seem to be unable to determine a route without the zip code of the destination???? Can that be right? The interface seems cludgy to me, somewhat difficult to grasp how to use the app. The opening screen is a black screen with with white text stating that that you don't have any groups. I do like the quick treks feature.

hanging chad - Wowzers, that's one long comment!

I hope you discovered the new Android Market website, because if you typed that out on your phone you need a hobby! =P

Re: Trip planner - I know it's not perfect and an updated version with many improvements is on my never-ending list of things to do for this app.

The convoluted routes are courtesy of Google - you can thank them for that. It's not like I make them up.

Also, Pace is not supported (they don't provide the data) so if you're in the 'burbs and expect Pace as part of the trip planning, you're going to get something weird.

The ability to modify priorities, along with many other improvements, are planned for a later release. Consider the current version a "first pass" of the feature, for now.

It can determine routes without zip codes when it makes sense. If there are multiple options though you may not always get the best results. Again, this will be improved.

Re: The interface - I hope you can appreciate that I have no idea what "cludgy" means in your mind. Seems fine to me, but of course I have a very different perspective.

For example, I don't know what's so difficult to grasp - each screen has a help page that explains everything.

I realize that in a perfect world the app would be so intuitive as to not require help pages, but they're there and everything you need to know is documented for your convenience.

Also remember this app is very much under active development and should be considered a work in progress. If you don't like how some things work, I'm always open to suggestions and feedback - but I need you to email me to discuss.

A Market comment that the interface is "cludgy" does not help me improve anything. I have no idea what would work better for you unless you actually explain it to me.

You obviously took a good chunk of time to write this feedback, so please consider emailing me with useful, constructive criticism on how I can improve the app and make it less "cludgy".

Re: The opening screen - when you start the app you have nothing saved, so there's nothing to show you, so instead it shows a quick a message on what to do. What's the problem?

Re: Quick treks - Halelujah, you liked something! At least this ended on a positive note.

My Rating:

meh ... this comment flows horribly giving the most convoluted feedback. Why do you need four question marks???? Can that be right? The formatting seems cludgy to me, somewhat difficult to grasp what you're saying. The opening statement isn't properly capitalized. I do like that you do like the quick treks feature.