Puella Magi Madoka Magica Drama CD - Summer Magical Girl Training Camp!!

Homura: The sea~ is so wide~ and so big~! Kaname-san, I’m so happy. To think I can go to the beach with you alone…

Madoka: Homura-chan…

Homura: Kaname-san…

Sayaka: What’re you talking about transfer student!

Kyouko: WHOA/AMAZING! The sea’s so amazing!

Mami: This is the first time Sakura-san’s been to the sea.

Madoka: There are five magical girls in the same territory, we gotta combine our strengths and fight together!

Mami: That’s why we’re here, to train.

Kyuubey: I’ve never heard of five magical girls cooperating together before.

Sayaka: And so begins the Magical Girl training camp! But, it wouldn`t hurt if we could play a little right?

Mami: Well, only if it’s a little.

Madoka: It’d be a waste not to. (note: hard to describe lines. They're here to train, but there happens to be a beach too, it’d be a waste not go)

Kyouko: Let’s hurry up and go!

All: Yeah

Madoka: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica

Kyouko: Drama CD.

All: Summer Magical Girl Training Camp

Madoka: I’ve changed into my swimsuit.

Homura: Kaname-san, you look radiant/dazzling in white!

Madoka: I went shopping with Sayaka for it yesterday. Homura-chan looks great in that plaid/check swimsuit.

Sayaka: Hey Madoka, could you tie up my back?

Madoka: Okay!

Kyouko: Gah! What is this!

Mami: Oh, I’m so glad. It fits you perfectly. Well then, let’s get out.

Kyouko: Whoa, wait Mami!

Mami: Sorry for the wait.

Madoka: Mami-san…

Sayaka: Whoa, it really does look different when you have something to emphasize (literally: when you have something to show, it really shows)

Mami: Oh stop hiding.

Madoka: Huh? Kyouko-chan, why are you facing away from us?

Kyouko: …

Mami: Oh Sakura-san, you really do look cute. You don’t have to be embarrassed.

Sayaka: Oh, could it be you’re embarrassed Kyouko?

Kyouko: Oh shut up!

Sayaka: Whoa, it’s all so frilly. It doesn’t suit you at all!

Kyouko: I’ll, I’ll take it off!

Madoka: Ah, don’t take it off Kyouko-chan! It looks really cute! The colors and ribbon really look good on you! (bad translation)

Homura: I agree with Kaname-san’s opinion.

Mami: Sakura-san’s swimsuit is one of my old ones. She told me she didn’t have one.

Homura: Oh I see, that explains it.

Madoka: But it really looks good on Kyouko-chan.

Kyouko: …

Mami: And Miki-san thinks it really looks cute, right?

Sayaka: Yes… I do… *giggle*

Mami: See?

Kyouko: I didn’t wanna go to the sea in the first place, Mami’s the one who dragged me…

Homura: Sakura-san, we’re finally here. Let’s not waste it, and go into the sea at least!

Madoka: Yeah Kyouko-chan, let’s go!

Kyouko: Hmph, why do I have wear to this frilly…

Mami: Let’s go then.

Madoka: Wow, it’s so crowded.

Sayaka: That’s the height of the season for you.

Kyouko: It’s really hard to walk in sand.

Homura: If you walk on the sand on the ball of your feet, it’s easier to walk.

Kyouko: So I see.

Sayaka: Okay then, let’s go run!

Kyuubey: There must be a lot of resentment/emotions gathered here with this many humans around.

Mami: Oh come on Kyuubey. We’re at a wonderful/fun place, don’t say something like that (alt trans: We’re here to have fun, don’t say something like that)

Kyuubey: But you think so too, right Mami? Evil intent and despair lurks within the hearts of all. It doesn’t have any connection with ‘fun’. (bad translation)

Sayaka: Mami-san~!

Mami: Yes!

Kyuubey: Wait for me Mami! I’m coming too!

Cat: Meow.

Kyuubey: Huh? Oh a cat…

Cat: Meow. Meow

Kyuubey: You’re a rather showy cat. Do you think I’m a cat too?

Cat: Meow.

Kyuubey: Oh man…

Madoka: Homura-chan! Over here!

Homura: Kaname-san, wait for me! Kaname-san!

Sayaka: Homura’s really energetic/so happy.

Mami: She really is, how unusual.

Kyouko: Hahaha, the sea’s so salty. I can’t drink it at all.

Sayaka: Oh Kyouko, didn’t you say that you didn’t want to come to the sea/beach in the first place?

Kyouko: Let’s go Sayaka.

Sayaka: Can you swim? Don’t you go off to somewhere deep.

Kyouko: I got it already.

Madoka: Sayaka-chan? Take that!

Sayaka: Ah, it’s so cold! Now you’ve done it Madoka… Take that, and that!

Homura: Kaname-san, I found a really cute shell.

Madoka: Homura-chan… Wow, you’re right. It’s a beautiful color. Ah hey, Kyouko-chan. It’s a shell, why don’t you have a listen to it?

Kyouko: Hm? What do you mean?

Madoka: Can you hear the waves?

Kyouko: Hm? All I hear is just some kind of whooshing sound.

Sayaka: Oh, you’re not romantic at all.

Kyuubey: I’m not good with water. (bad translation) Hey, you’re… You’re a crab. Wow, it’s true, you can only walk sideways. Take that… and that… Ah, let go! You’ll cut it off!

Madoka: Just what is Kyuubey doing over there?

Sayaka: He can’t swim, can he?

Homura: A crab’s gotten a hold of him.

Madoka: Okay, thanks for waiting, here’s the shaved ice!

Sayaka: You just gotta have shaved ice if you’re at the beach.

Madoka: Me and Homura-chan are having strawberry, Sayaka-chan’s lemon, Mami’s Blue Hawaii and Kyouko-chan’s mango flavor.

All: Thanks for the snack.

Madoka: Hm, the ice is so refreshing (bad translation, cannot hear)

Mami: It’s so cold and good.

Homura: Sa- Sakura-san, if you eat that fast you’ll get a headache.

Kyouko: Tell me that… faster… Owie, my head’s aching.

Man: Hey! There’s a person drowning!

Kyouko: Huh, what’s going on?

(Man: Over here please.)

Mami: The lifeguards are running over there.

Sayaka: Pay attention Kyouko, the sea might look safe and calm but it’s full of dangers. Don’t forget it.

Kyouko: I got it already. Okay, I ate. Let’s go into the water/sea.

Sayaka: Bwah, hey, calm down.

Mami: What about you, Akemi-san, Kaname-san?

Homura: Hey Kaname-san? Why don’t we rest here for a bit?

Madoka: Are you all right Homura-chan? Was the sun too strong for you?

Homura: Yeah…

Madoka: I guess then, me and Homura-chan will stay here and rest for a bit longer. Please go ahead and take dip before us.

Kyouko: Let’s go!

Sayaka: I guess it can’t be helped.

Mami: We’ll be over there, okay?

Madoka: Okay!

Sayaka: Okay, try kicking your legs again.

Mami: Wow, you’re really good.

Sayaka: I’m gonna let go of your hands now.

Kyouko: Ah, no! Don’t let go! Ugh…

Mami: Oh…

Sayaka: Man…

Kyouko: Damn it! Why’d you let go all of sudden?

Sayaka: Sorry about that.

Mami: Um, Sakura-san’s very athletic, so I’m sure you’ll get the hang of swimming quickly.

Kyouko: You better not let go of me this time!

Sayaka: I know already. EEK! I just stepped on something! Wha-? Its sea cucumbers!

Kyouko: Sea… cucumbers?

Mami: Ah, when you take a close look, there’re all over the place. Kind of odd around this time.

Sayaka: EEK! I hate sea cucumbers!!

Kyouko: Really?

Mami: Sakura-san…?

Sayaka: Hey! Kyouko! Stop holding those sea cucumbers (in both your hands)!

Kyouko: Ahaha, they’re so squishy! Try touchin’em!

Sayaka: No way! Kyouko, put them back in the water!

Kyouko: Have one!


Mami: Are you all right Miki-san?

Kyouko: Ahahaha.

Sayaka: Seriously, I mean it, quit it!

Mami: Sakura-san, let go of that sea cucumber.

Kyouko: I got ya already. Heh. Take that!


Kyouko: Hahahahaha!

Sayaka: Erg… I’ve had enough! I’m never teaching you how to swim! Kyouko, you idiot/jerk!!

Mami: Ah, Miki-san!... I wonder if she’ll be fine by herself.

Kyouko: What is she so mad about?

Mami: Sakura-san, you shouldn’t do things that other people don’t like just for fun.

Kyouko: But…

Mami: No one likes having sea cucumbers thrown at them. And I thought you said you can’t forgive anyone who wastes/threw away food.

Kyouko: Huh?!

Mami: You can eat sea cucumbers.

Kyouko: Wha….

Mami: Though I’ve never eaten any before.

Kyouko: I… wasted/threw away food…

Mami: When Miki-san comes back, you should apologize to her properly.

Cat: Meow, meow, meow.

Kyuubey: Hey, why are you rubbing against me so much? (bad translation) Are you attempting to court me?

Cat: Meow.

Kyuubey: Unfortunately, I am unable to reciprocate your intention (ie mating behavior), we’re completely different species.

Woman: Someone! A person is drowning!

Man 1: Again? There are a lot of them today. Heard that there are a few missing people too.

Kyuubey: I see, it’s not out of place for something like this to happen with this many humans about.

Cat: Meow.

Sayaka: Seriously, that Kyouko! Why is she such a brat! This sucks! And she’s the one who can’t swim! Ah!

Girl: Eek. Oh, I’m so sorry.

Sayaka: Um, not at all.

Boy: Oh man, sorry about that. What are you doing?

Girl: But…

Boy: Here, hold on to me.

Girl: Okay.

Sayaka: The sea/beach. I wanted go with Kyousuke. Even if it was just watching it together quietly. I wonder if he’s with Hitomi right now… I wonder if they’re out somewhere together alone… rather than with me… I’m so sick and tired of thinking about that. Huh? No way, did I swim out too far? Oh, I’m so glad, there are lots of life rafts around (hard to hear, bad translation). Huh? There’s no one around? No way, could it be… Seriously, to think there’d be one all the way out here!

Madoka: Huh, where’s Sayaka-chan?

Mami: She got into a fight with Kyouko and went off into the sea somewhere.

Madoka: Really?

Homura: Oh no, and the waves are getting higher too.

Kyuubey: It seems that Miki Sayaka is trapped within a barrier.

Madoka: What? Kyuubey, are you sure?

Kyuubey: We can’t see anything from here but above the sea/water over there, a barrier is active. Sayaka must have inadvertently swam into it.

Kyouko: What the heck is she doing? And she’s the one who said the sea is full of dangers, too.

Mami: We better head over there. (bad translation)

Madoka: Oh, Kyuubey, so you can swim. (literally: enter the sea)

Kyuubey: I can but I’m just not good at swimming, besides once we enter the barrier… (bad translation)

Sayaka: Urg, running on waves/water is so damn hard! Owie! Hey what’re you doing?! AH! Omph! Why you!

*slash slash*

Sayaka: AHHH!! *glub glub* *cough cough*

Madoka: Sayaka-chan!

Kyouko: Sayaka! Grab on to me! Are you all right Sayaka?

Sayaka: Kyouko…

Kyouko: Hey, um, sorry for throwing those sea cucumbers at ya last time. Um, I learned you can eat sea cucumbers so… I wasted/threw away food.

Sayaka: It’s fine. I got mad/lost my temper way too easily/quickly.

Mami: So have you made up now?

Homura: Ah, the Witch has shown itself.

Mami: Then, let’s hurry up and defeat it. Everyone, spread out/move away. No way…

Sayaka: Mami-san’s bullets got bounced back/away?!

Madoka: My arrows too!!...

Homura: Physical attacks are all being repelled…

Kyouko: Just like rubber eh?

Homura: Rubber? If that’s the case then…

Mami: What’s your idea?

Homura: Do you think you can trap it with your ribbon, Tomoe-san? Once you’ll do, I’ll hit it with an all or nothing fire attack!

Mami: I got it, you’re going to melt it. (Bad translation: literally ‘thermal expansion’)

Sayaka: Okay, then me and Kyouko will take care of the familiars for you. We’re counting on you Homura.

Homura: Yes, leave it to me.

Kyouko: Here we go!

Mami: Legare/Finale! (bad translation: can’t hear) Now, you can’t move around. Go Akemi-san, while you can!

Homura: Kaname-san, please help me.

Madoka: Yeah. Whoa, it’s huge! Homura-chan, just what is this?

Homura: This is a flamethrower! (Note: where the hell did you get a flamethrower Homura?)

Madoka: Amazing, the Witch’s body is expanding/melting!

Homura: Everyone, cover your ears!

Madoka: We did it! You were amazing Homura-chan, you defeated the Witch!

Homura: Yes, we did it, Kaname-san!

Mami: Good job.

Kyuubey: Akemi Homura, this is your victory/triumph.

Madoka: Ah, a grief seed.

Homura: Miki-san, please use this grief seed.

Sayaka: Huh?

Mami: It’s all right Miki-san, take it.

Kyouko: She’s right, take it. Your Soul Gem’s pretty dirty right?

Madoka: Go ahead, Sayaka-chan?

Sayaka: … Everyone… Thank you, everyone.

Madoka: Don’t go off somewhere by yourself like that okay?

Sayaka: Yeah, Madoka. Sorry.

Kyuubey: You’re not going to take that grief seed?

Mami: We’re fine with this.

Kyuubey: You’re very self-sacrificing/altruistic.

Mami: It’s better fight with many, than alone.

Kyuubey: Hm, I see, with the five of you cooperating together, you can defeat many more Witches within a shorter period of time and thus minimize the corruption of your Soul Gem. A most efficient method to collect Grief Seeds.

Sayaka: Tadaa~! And this is where we’re staying tonight!

All: Wow…

Homura: A hostel (note: Like a bed and breakfast)? This is my first time.

Sayaka: Wow, you’re such a rich girl/ojou. This place is way more fun with its homey atmosphere and they have an onsen (note: hot spring bath).

Mami: A homey atmosphere is wonderful.

Sayaka: Ain’t it, Mami-san?

Kyouko: Ah, I’m so hungry. We can eat right away, right?

Mami: Ah, so you’re hungry Sakura-san? But our hair is all sticky from the sea water, we should wash it as soon as possible.

Homura: And our hair is stiff from (drying in) the sun.

Madoka: Kyouko-chan, why don’t we have a bath first?

Kyouko: No way, food first.

Sayaka: Hey, Mami-san wants to have a bath first. Listen to your sempai!

Kyouko: Then you go ahead to the bath, while I go eat.

Sayaka: Oh, why can’t you just go/cooperate with the group? Your hair is all stiff (with salt) from the sea too! Take a bath first will you.

Mami: Sakura-san, I’ll help wash your hair. So, let’s go (have a bath).

Kyouko: Urg, fine then.

Madoka: Wow, it’s an outdoor/open air bath (Note: Rotenburo).

Homura: The wind feels so nice.

Kyouko: Okay, let’s take another swim!

Sayaka: Hey, wash yourself off first before going in!

Kyouko: What?

Madoka: That’s just how it’s done.

Mami: Okay, make sure you close your eyes to keep the bubbles out.

Kyouko: Yeah…

Sayaka: Bubbly~! (alt trans: Foamy)

Madoka: Bubbly~.

Sayaka: Madoka, take a look at this! Afro hair! Ahahaha.

Madoka: Ahahah, oh Sayaka-chan, that’s so funny.

Sayaka: I’ll make Madoka’s hair more bu~bbly~.

Madoka: Hey~

Sayaka: Bubbly~

Madoka: Miss hairdresser/stylist, please make me look cute.

Sayaka: Leave it to me, I’ll make this part stand and…. Hehehe, Madoka. You look like Sally-chan’s dad! (note: Google Magical Girl Sally and have a gander at her dad for an idea of what she’s talking about)

Madoka: Huh?

Mami: Oh Kaname-san…

Kyouko: Hey Mami, I wanna have a look at Madoka too.

Mami: Okay, I’ll rinse you off then. Keep your eyes closed okay? All right, we’re done.

Kyouko: Let’s see. Hahaha! Madoka, you look amazing.

Madoka: What? I need a mirror. Ah, you’re so mean Sayaka-chan. And I asked you to make me look cute.

Sayaka: But you do look cute Madoka. Have some confidence. Hahaha…

Mami: She’s right Kaname-san, you look cute…

Madoka: Oh, everyone’s laughing at me (bad translation)

Homura: Urk, I wanna see Kaname-san too. Kaname-san, please show me too…

All: GAAHH!!

Homura: Huh?

Madoka: Homura-chan, you look like a ghost (Note: Like Sadako)!

Sayaka: You, get your hair up (alt trans: Part your hair)!

Mami: Ah, that’s you right Akemi-san? You surprised us…

Kyouko: You look seriously scary, worse than a Witch. (alt trans: you look scarier than a witch)

Homura: I’m… so sorry…

Mami: What a great bath.

Madoka: Thanks for waiting Kyouko-chan.

Kyouko: Man I’m hungry. Okay, let’s dig in!

All: Thanks for the meal!

Madoka: It’s all so good/wonderful.

Mami: The sashimi is so fresh. This is the first time I’ve had raw shirasu before. (Note: um, I think its sardines?)

Sayaka: Yummy, you’re right! So tasty (alt trans: So flavourful).

Homura: The aosa (note: sea lettuce) miso has the scent of the seashore.

Madoka: It’s so delicious, isn’t it Homura-chan?

Homura: Yes!

Kyouko: *scarf scarf scarf* *cough cough*

Mami: Ah, Sakura-san, you need to eat a bit slower.

Sayaka: Hey, why don’t you actually taste what you eat? Don’t you have an opinion on what you’re eating?

Kyouko: (Rice,) seconds please!

Sayaka: Urk.

Kyouko: Hm, what’s this?

Mami: Oh this vinegared/pickled dish? I wonder what it is. It looks kind of like awabi (note: Abalone) but I don’t think it’s that.

Sayaka: I’ll try some. Hm, it’s pretty crunchy.

Madoka: What does it taste like?

Sayaka: What it tastes like? Hm, I can only taste the vinegar… Well, it’s crunchy at least…

Homura: Miki-san, that’s vinegared/picked sea cucumber.

Sayaka: Huh? Sea… Sea cucumber?!

Kyouko: Oh, so this is that ‘sea cucumber’.

Sayaka: URK! EEK! HMPH!

Mami: Miki-san, are you all right?

Kyouko: Hey Sayaka, don’t waste food.

Sayaka: Urk, it’s… crunchy!

Madoka: Ah, Kyouko-chan fell asleep. She swam a lot today, so I’m sure she’s tired.

Homura: It looked like she had a lot of fun for her first time at the sea/beach.

Mami: She really did. It was good idea to all come here together, thank you.

Homura: We should go to bed ourselves soon.

Mami: You’re right.

Mami: I’m turning off the light.

All: Okay.

Sayaka: Madoka? Madoka, are you asleep?

Madoka: No, not yet.

Sayaka: Hey Madoka, do you have someone you like?

Madoka: Huh, me?

Homura: Ah, you have one?

Madoka: Well, I do think to myself, it would be nice to, one day.

Homura: Oh I see.

Sayaka: You can talk to/ask me about anything. I can at least give you some advice.

Mami: Even if she does ask Miki-san, I can’t see how it could help. (bad translation)

Sayaka: Urk.

*ring ring ring*

Mami: Ah. Hm, I slept well. Ah, Sakura-san’s yukata almost half off/completely open, what a way to sleep. Oh, Akemi-san, good morning.

Homura: Good morning.

Mami: You’re an early bird. (alt trans: you woke up very early)

Homura: Yes, my eyes just opened.

Mami: Kaname-san looks so innocent when she sleeps.

Homura: Yes… I will do my best, so that this world continues on forever.

Mami: You’re right/Same with me (note: as in she agrees). Okay everyone, it’s time to get up!

Madoka: It ended so quickly. It was so much fun to sleep over with everyone.

Kyouko: Hey, why don’t we stay for another night? Let’s go to the beach/sea!

Sayaka: What are you talking about?

Mami: We can’t stay away from Mitakihara for too long.

Kyuubey: It’s as Mami says. We’ve gotta show the results of your training camp.

Madoka: Kyuubey, it’ll be all right. By sleeping over/going together, we’ve gotten so much closer than before.

Homura: Right, we can’t lose.

Sayaka: Now, for the peace/safety of Mitakihara, let’s get back home and show off our training!

All: YEAH!