Cheapest Tracfone Minutes

The Cheapest Tracfone Minutes now are only available by purchasing the most expensive Tracfone Phones. The latest addition of Tracfone Triple Minutes for Life Phones (TMFL) get you the Cheapest Minutes.

TMFL has just been released. Tracfone TMFL is just like DMFL except you get 3 times the number of minutes on the Tracfone card instead of two. You can only get TMFL if you purchase one of the new phones on the Tracfone website. The current Triple Minute phones are the Samsung T404g and the Motorola EX124G. While they are the most expensive Tracfones at $60 and $80 each, they are not expensive compared to the value you will get from the TMFL.

Every Phone card you add to these phones will be tripled with TMFL

Tracfone Bonus Codes are not suppose to work on these phones but the 33 per cent more minutes you get than with DMFL is worth it.

Unless you use under 100 minutes a month I would certainly not recommend buying any Tracfone except a TMFL phone.

is the only vendor currently for the TMFL phones.

How Tracfone TMFL Works

The TMFL program is tied to the phone. A Phone with TMFL will automatically triple the minutes on the phone card when you add it to your TMFL phone. You will not be able to transfer the TMFL to another phone. However in the past you could add minutes to a DMFL phone and then transfer the doubled minutes to a non DMFL phone. When doing a Transfer you will have to transfer all of the minutes and all of the service time from your TMFL phone to the other phone. I am not sure this will work but I believe it probably will.