Spanish OER

Goal: Develop Spanish Curriculum for Spanish 1A/1B to be introduced at the two new middle schools opening in Seattle in fall 2017, Meany MS and Robert Eaglestaff MS.

Team: Mary Lanza, Mercer Intl MS;

Hamilton Intl MS team: Brandon Severance, Christina Hevia, Katherine Fox, Leah Poeschl

Eagle Staff MS team: Erin Philbeck

Chief Sealth Intl HS and WL Leader: Tricia Nielsen

Process: Review and evaluate currently available resources. Explore additional resources that might be helpful. Plan the overall curriculum framework and thematic units. Then flesh out specific lesson/learning plans with resources identified.


June 2017 - Initial planning and assignments of responsibilities

July 2017 - Independent work (some collaborative work if team members are available)

August 2017 - Finalize Thematic Units; Develop Learning Plans for first 3 months (at least) and outlines for Learning Plans for the remainder of the year

September 2017 - PD, preparation....

October, November, December - check in

KICKOFF ZOOM Meeting May 31, 2017:

(click the link to watch the video recording of the meeting)

1. Identify currently available resources:

    • World Language Course Outcomes: Level 1 (Novice Low - Novice Mid)
    • SPS Example Spanish Units | Overview of Units
    • Other SPS Example Units from other languages (esp. Japanese and Chinese)

2. Discuss Curriculum Templates


    1. Overview of Units -- annotate with Avancemos correlations (Erin)
    2. annotate with Ven Conmigo correlations (Mary)
    3. Start collecting info about resources we might to access, such as online accounts:
      • Which ones?
      • How much is yearly license?
      • How are teachers using the

For June 12 Planning Meeting

Deliverables from planning session will be annotations to this document:

    • Which units are worthy of being included?
    • Which ones should be covered in Spanish 1A (year 1 in middle school) or Spanish 1B (year 2 in middle school)?
    • Who is going to be assigned to work on “beefing up” each unit that we’ll use?
    • There’s a column for notes from your discussion
    • At the end of the document, feel free to write in additional notes from your sessions, URLs of web resources, etc.

Spanish OER Resources

Spanish Grammar In Context