2019.08.26 WL DLI PD

August 26, 2019 9:00 am - 2:00 pm World Languages and Dual Language Immersion Focus: Getting on the Path to Proficiency

Location: Ballard High School

1418 NW 65th St, Seattle, WA 98117

Cost: FREE for Seattle Schools Teachers

Learn how to access and use resources from the new National Language Resource Center PEARLL (Professionals in Education Advancing Research and Language Learning) to put students on the Path to Proficiency through effective language teaching. Topics include: *Developing Learning Targets, *Conducting Performance Assessments, *Checking for Understanding, *Using the Target Language and Providing Comprehensible Input, *Empowering Students to Use the Target Language, and *Engaging Language Learners. Teachers will receive free online accounts to Catalyst, a brand new tool that allows language educators to set professional goals, identify their strengths, and upload evidence and reflections that document their ongoing growth. We will organize the day so you have a chance to collaborate by language, level, and region too.

You do not need to register, JUST COME when you can.


On tables... Priorities on World Languages Needs Assessment

World Language Offerings Fall 2019


1. Introductions: Meet Dr. Thad Williams, new International Education Administrator

- Icebreaker

- Placemat with World Language Priorities (from 2015 WL Needs Assessment)

What would you prioritize?

2. Setting Professional Goals

PEARLL http://pearll.nflc.umd.edu/

Catalyst https://catalyst.uoregon.edu/



3. Teacher Effectiveness for Language Learning Project www.tellproject.org

Purpose: http://www.tellproject.org/about/purpose/

TELL Professional Learning Resources to Support STARTALK Principles


Review the Infographics. Do 3 rotations of 10 minutes each:


4. SPS World Languages - Announcements and Updates


5. Collaborate by Region (NW, NE, Central, SW, SE)

Regional Language Offerings

Exit Ticket about interest in TELL, PD interests, support needed...



6. Collaborate by Language and Level

    • Spanish
    • Japanese
    • French
    • Japanese
    • Latin
    • ASL
    • Chinese

Michele Anciaux Aoki and Thad Williams available for consultation and questions.

Extra Hours Forms