In Support of the Chaplaincy - Melanie Brockless, Social Work Student 2005 - 2008

Post date: 22-Nov-2009 12:30:18

I graduated from the University of Southampton in July 2008. Here are few words which I shared with the community when I left the university.

'I feel that my friendships with people in Chaplaincy have been an expression of God’s love. I have had a lot of fun and good times with these people, but they have really been there for me when it has mattered most. University has been a time of great personal change, and my friends have been there at times when that change has been painful. As some of you know, I lost my Mum at Christmas, and I don’t think I would have been able to return to university and complete my degree, which I’ve now done, without the support of people in Chaplaincy. My housemates, who I met through Chaplaincy, created an environment where I felt safe to say how I really felt, so many people expressed concern for me, and I know that many prayed for me as well. That means more to me than words can say.

Wednesday Communion has been really important to me. Worshipping and sharing communion with people I actually know has been something really special for me. Chaplaincy is unique and you won’t find a church like it.

Both Chaplaincy and SCM have facilitated my questioning aspects of faith which I hadn’t previously questioned. I went through a period of being disillusioned with the church and I have come out the other side of that. Chaplaincy and SCM provided a space where I could still meet with God and other Christians during that time.'

Chaplaincy was a huge part of my life at university. In addition to this, Simon himself provided me with valuable support.

Chaplaincy is a really important ministry to students in so many ways. It would be a terrible loss to so many people if it could not continue.