What Do We Want? Chaplains!

University of Southampton Chaplaincy Association Press Release 28/7/2010

Following the resignation of Revd Yellow Stevens as Anglican Chaplain to the University of Southampton, the University will be without a dedicated Anglican Chaplain for at least the coming academic year. In combination with the continuing vacancy in the Free Church Chaplain post and the end of the ecumenical assistant role, this leaves the ecumenical chaplaincy (where the workload kept three chaplains and an assistant very busy) with only one chaplain. The Association is now working with both the Anglican Deanery of Southampton and the local Free Churches (Baptist, Methodist and URC) to provide continuing chaplaincy services to the Protestant students and staff of the University.

As our highest priority, we are in discussions and taking action towards providing pastoral support — both urgent and long-term — while the posts are vacant. To this end, we have been having very constructive and encouraging dialogue with local clergy and have been creating Pastoral Guidelines to be used by those in our student-based community who offer immediate front-line pastoral support. Further, we are working to create a rota of local clergy to celebrate communion at the weekly term-time Wednesday services.

In the longer term, the Association remains fully and passionately committed to working with all denominations to provide comprehensive and proper chaplaincy support for the University.

While Mr Stevens' departure leaves the Chaplaincy in some difficulty, the Association is thankful that more opportunities have opened up for far greater involvement and representation of the students in the management of their Chaplaincy. We are also appreciative of the creation of a new Management Group, which we very much hope will help to facilitate this involvement, representation and accountability into a successful future.

If you want to help to save this life-changing service, or remain up to date with our campaign, please visit http://www.savesotonchaplaincy.co.uk

For more information please contact:

Emma Anthony or Marianne Boardman (Publicity Officers), publicity@savesotonchaplaincy.co.uk