In Support of the Chaplaincy - Dr Rachel Wakelin GP Trainee Cambridge (Southampton graduate 2007, and ex-president of the Southampton Student Christian Movement)

Post date: 20-Nov-2009 16:32:50

In addition to the comments on the petition, may I add a personal comment.

I was a student for 6 years at Southampton and have been witness to Christian Student activities since leaving 2 years ago.

The introduction of Simon to the Chaplaincy transformed it's activity and led to the introduction and growth of the Student Christian Movement and Simon also made many links with non-christian students and through this a number are involved in the Chaplaincy. With the loss of Simon and the Chaplaincy I think this would be a huge loss. Especially as the changes brought with Simon offered a particular niche for many students who felt the did not fit in with the previous Christian groups. The Chaplaincy was long needed.

The environment the Chaplaincy offers especially since Simon started was desperately needed during my initial years at University and the links I had maintained my faith and offered enormous support. The role that the chaplaincy plays I think is a crucial source of support for students at university as I believe this is a crucial stage where faith will either be upheld and cherished or potentially lost for ever.

The church as a whole within most denominations lacks those in the early 20's with the loss of university chaplains and the chaplaincy this will add to the problem and lead to the further shrinking congregation numbers in the future. Which in the long term is likely to lead to further financial decline of the church.

I really do quite strongly feel this is a bad descision.

I am happy to explain myself further or help in consultations if needed.

Thank you

Dr Rachel Wakelin

GP Trainee Cambridge (Southampton graduate 2007, and ex-president of the Southampton Student Christian Movement)