Saved the Chaplain; Next, the World?

University of Southampton Chaplaincy Association Press Release 4/5/2010

After five months of campaigns, discussions and fundraising efforts, the Diocese of Winchester have let it be known that a decision has been reached regarding the future of the Anglican Chaplaincy to the University of Southampton. In a meeting on Friday evening, Rev Yellow Stevens informed students, staff and other interested parties that he shall be remaining in post, in its current form, until July 2011. The reaction at the meeting was one of rejoicing that both Yellow and the Chaplaincy are saved.

In the same announcement, Rev Stevens made it known that, during the academic year to come, the Diocese of Winchester will be investigating options for a part time Anglican chaplain with another responsibility locally. A “Chaplaincy Management Group” was alluded to, but with no clear indication of the role of students in said consultations.

The Free Church Chaplaincy council have also informed the University of Southampton Chaplaincy Association that they are actively seeking to fill the currently vacant half-time post of Free Church Chaplain, and hope to appoint somebody in time for the new academic year 2010–2011.

The University of Southampton Chaplaincy Association will continue to support the Chaplaincy, primarily through endeavouring to fund and employ a Chaplaincy Assistant to help support the community alongside the part time chaplains. This post is currently funded jointly by the Student Christian Movement, the Free Church Chaplaincy Council and the Diocese of Winchester, however recent financial circumstances have necessitated the withdrawal of this funding. Further, the Association will strive to advocate the full involvement and engagement of concerned students in every aspect of the Chaplaincy's future.

The Association and all concerned are very glad and thankful that the Diocese have recognised the value of this core ministry and would like to thank all persons involved in reaching this outcome — we are very appreciative of all the hard work, time and faith invested in this matter.

For more information please contact:

Dan Barnes-Davies or Marianne Boardman (Publicity Officers),