Political organization

We are going to finish the topic POPULATION OF SPAIN. We have learnt about THE ECONOMY OF SPAIN and TERRITORIAL ORGANIZATION.

Today it's time to discover our POLITICAL ORGANIZATION.

First of all, we are going to watch this video:

Second we are going to divide the class into groups of four.

Each group is going to create a video or animation.

This video or animation should be similar to the upper video.

To create this video you have to use three things:

    • Class book page 39-POLITICAL ORGANIZATION.
    • Tools: MOVIE MAKER or POWTOON.
    • GRAMMAR TIPS: Connectors for secuence an speech.
        • First/second..... we are going to talk about.....
        • Firstly/secondly.... we are going to talk about....
        • Let's move on to the next point: The monarchy.
        • Let's continue with....

Here you have a videotutorial about the new app POWTOON.

When you finish the video you have to upload to youtube and put in the same post with the video about your maps.