Task 5. Writing stories

It is time to focus our attention again into our e-Twinning Project: "Reading Together"

Desde la orden EDU/519/2014 de 17 de junio.


Comprensión de textos (Reading - Listening):

  • Comprende mensajes orales producidos con distintos acentos de lengua inglesa.
  • Comprende lo esencial de historias breves y bien estructuradas e identifica los personajes principales siempre y cuando la imagen y la acción conduzcan a gran parte del argumento (lecturas adaptadas, cómics, etcétera).
  • Consulta el diccionario bilingüe y las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación de forma guiada como apoyo a su aprendizaje.

Producción de textos (Writing - Speaking):

  • Se desenvuelve con cierta seguridad en situaciones cotidianas muy simples, reales o simuladas (contexto clase).
  • Escribe, en papel o en soporte electrónico, textos breves de carácter narrativo e informativo sobre temas trabajados previamente, basándose en un modelo y reproduciendo estructuras trabajadas.
  • Revisa y autocorrige los textos producidos de manera guiada.



  • Actividades de la vida diaria.
  • Trabajo y ocupaciones
  • Tiempo libre, ocio y deporte
  • Viajes y vacaciones

Estructuras sintáctico - discursivas:

  • Expresión del espacio: (prepositions and adverbs of location, position, distance, motion, direction, origin and arrangement.).
  • Expresiones temporales: points (for example, quarter past five); divisions (for example. half an hour, summer), and indications (for example, now, tomorrow (morning)) of time; duration (for example, for two days); anteriority (before); posteriority (after); sequence (first…then); simultaneousness (at the same time); y frequency (for example, sometimes, on Sundays); prepositions, prepositional phrases and adverbs of time.

Funciones comunicativas:

  • Descripción de personas, actividades, lugares, objetos, hábitos, planes.
  • Narración de hechos pasados.

Aspectos socioculturales y sociolingüísticos:

  • Costumbres.
  • Valoración de la lengua extranjera como instrumento para comunicarse.


At the end of the task each group will create a story


  1. Create the storyboard of your future story.
  2. Write down the story on a paper.
  3. Learn about Storybird.
  4. Create the story in the app.
  5. Create the final post about the task.


STEP 1: The first thing you need to do is create your storyboard, in the following document you will create pictures and short descriptions about each scene.

Storyboard from Javier Ramos Sancha

STEP 2: Now it will be time to write down the draft of your story, in it you have to include everything you want to be in the book: The final story you would like to include in your book.

Remember good tips for your story:

  • In some way you have to describe de characters.
  • You are telling a story, so it would be great to use the past tense.
    • Grammar tips: CB page 155 and 156
  • Include some dialogues between the characters.
  • You need a starting point, the body of the story and an ending.

Whenever you think it is ready, let your teacher check it.

STEP3: For this task we are going to use a new web tool which is Storybird. This is a really great tool to create your story books.

Here you are an amazing tutorial about the tool. We strongly recommend you to have a look before you start working.

Created by: Plataforma Proyecta

STEP 4: Let's create your story into the tool. The teacher will give you password and username.

STEP 5: Create a post into your portfolio to show your final product and your reflections about your learning. Here some tips to help you on this task:

  • Hi, I'm__________________
  • This is our final product for the task__________________. It is part of our eTwinning Project____________________. We created during the exchange week from _____________________. In our group we were________________________________
  • Embed the story.
  • Learning Diary: (please try to explain clearly your ideas and use some sentences not just a word)
    • What did I learn?
    • Do I have to go back on something?
    • How did I learn?
    • What do I want to learn more about?
  • Bye, bye. I hope you liked it.
  • Tags:
    • Year 5
    • colsangregorio
    • English
    • eTwinning
    • Writing Stories


Teacher's assesment (60% of the final mark) Maximum 20 points.

Rúbrica writing stories from Javier Ramos Sancha

Self-assesment (20% of the final mark) Maximum 20 points

Diana de evaluación writing stories from Javier Ramos Sancha

Peer evaluation (20% of the final mark) Maximum 24 points