BISC 20141202

"Building Belgium's cyber intelligence knowledge capacity"

Organisation : Belgian Intelligence Studies Centre

Bruxelles, 2 décembre 2014

Citizens, organizations and societies rely on cyber security in order to function. Today, we depend on computers to organize our professional work. Although we all benefit from technological progress, societies have never been so vulnerable as they are now. Our economy, security, privacy… can easily be breached. This means we have to ensure a cyber security community whose strategies are constantly updated by new knowledge. Building appropriate cyber security capabilities requires information about cyber threats. It also requires knowledge on how to build accurate defense strategies. In order to detect threats and avoid false alerts, the process of cyber intelligence involves carefully assessing strategic and tactical considerations.

This conference will highlight the reasons why Belgium needs a cyber-intelligence capacity. We will also emphasize on experiences from national cyber security incidents and the major threats our country has to deal with. It is our pleasure to announce Sir David Omand, Professor at Kings College London, as our keynote speaker. Professor Omand is a specialist in the development of national security strategy and counter-terrorism, intelligence studies and the historical development of the UK intelligence community. He will discuss the role of intelligence in the digital age.