Signers of the Declaration of Independence 

Signers of the Declaration of Independence (Grades 8-12)

Tutor: Sarah Wicklander

Description: We will be “Exploring the spiritual heritage of the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence in this timely, engaging Christian Heritage course! Through captivating biographical summaries, beautiful sketches, and insightful quotes, students will encounter the signers from each of the 13 states and discover the spiritual heritage that led them to stand on principles of faith and freedom!”  Masterbooks

Level: Grades 7 - 9

This is a GREAT class to prepare students for The Constitution, the following year.

Prerequisite: None

Text: For You They Signed -  Book 

         For You They Signed - Teacher Guide (contains worksheets)

Books can be purchased at:

                                             Christian Book Distributers

Class Fee:  One time fee of $15.00