Little Explorers

Little Explorers (3-5 year olds)

Tutor:  Johanna Rukavina

When: This will be offered Wednesday from 10am-12pm. (If there is enough interest - Tuesdays can be added)

Cost:  $70 for each student for the month.

Description: Within our learning community, 3-5 year old children will engage in a Christ-centered, nature-based, child-led curriculum that is focused on social emotional development. Our class will be held primarily outdoors, in all seasons, with the support of an indoor classroom. Through this class, children will explore healthy risk taking and peer collaboration through hands-on experiences that engage all of their senses. While everything that young children learn is filtered through their unique sensory systems, our young learners will have access to hands-on activities each and every week. 

Each week, our young explorers will engage in a time of guided play that begins with a play provocation that supports children’s social emotional development. These provocations will engage all of our senses and encourage positive peer collaboration.

Our Class Rhythm:

9:00: Community Time 

9:15: Guided Play 

10:00: Snack

10:15: Art Extension

10:50: Community Time

Why Nature-Based Education?

Research shows that spending time in nature is beneficial to young children in multiple domains of development. Stimulating and calming in equal parts, the outdoors provides a perfect environment for kids’ sensory systems, activating their focus for learning. Outdoor classrooms present learners with captivating sights, smells and textures, stimulating all of the senses.  Sensory engagement could not be more critical to early learning—the more kids engage their senses and develop their sensory skills, the more they increase their capacity to take in and turn new information into knowledge. 

Materials Needed: 

$20 Snack Fee per semester

Each child will need appropriate outdoor gear for each season, and will be asked to come to class, dressed for the weather each week. 

*3 year olds are welcome. Please note that your child must be potty trained, unless you plan to be near by to help change your child's diapers if needed.