
Weapon Triangle/Trinity of Magic: Each weapon has a specific weakness and strength against another weapon. Weapons at an advantage gain +1 Damage and +5 Hit, and weapons at a disadvantage gain -1 Damage and -5 Hit. Bows and staves are excluded from this triangle.

The weapon triangle goes as follows:

Sword > Axe

Axe > Spear

Spear > Sword

The trinity of magic goes as follows:

Anima > Light

Light > Dark

Dark > Anima

  • Prf Weapons: Special weapons that Lords wield. With the GM’s decision, non-Lords can wield certain Prf weapons or the player/GM can work together to make their own Prf weapon for the character.
  • Starting Weapons: A GM can either decide to give their players a set amount of gold to spend on weapons, or have a set amount of weapons the players can choose.
  • Illegal/Rare: These are weapons that cannot be found in Armories or Shops.
  • Legendary: These are weapons that GMs should give to players selectively towards the end of a campaign, or once the players reach a certain point. Some are safe to be given earlier in the campaign while others are a bit too powerful for early game.
  • Stat Bonuses: Some weapons provide stat bonuses when held. These stat bonuses (for example, +2 SPD) should only be factored in when in combat and the weapon is equipped. These can exceed a unit's stat cap.

Combat Flow: This is how combat should be resolved, shown below.

  • Attacker makes their 1st attack.
  • Attacker makes their 2nd attack if wielding Brave Weapon.
  • Defender makes their 1st attack.
  • Defender makes their 2nd attack if wielding a Brave Weapon.
  • Attacker makes their 3rd attack if wielding a Brave Weapon. (SPD > than Defender’s)
  • Defender makes their 3rd attack if wielding a Brave Weapon. (SPD > than Attacker’s)
  • Attacker makes their 4th attack if wielding a Brave Weapon. (SPD = 5 over Defender's)
  • Defender makes their 4th attack if wielding a Brave Weapon. (SPD = 5 over Attacker's)

Damage Type Quick Key

  • Slashing (S), Piercing (P), Bludgeoning (B)
  • Fire (Fi), Cold (C), Electricity (E), Wind (W), Earth (Ea), Force (F)
  • Light (L), Dark (D)