
Protectors of the Main Realm, Fey creatures were created in the early years of creation made to make sure the Main Realm isn't invaded from outsiders seeking to steal souls. Fey tend to keep tabs on angels and demons to make sure they don't cause problems.

Fey Creation

Feys have 15+1d6 HP

Feys have 2d6+3 CON

Feys have 5 Move

Proficiency: Proficient with 1 natural weapon at 1d8 or one of the following: Sword, Lance, Axe, or Bow.

Assign these numbers to stats: 10, 8, 7, 6, 6, 3, 1

Immunity: None

Weakness: None

Special Conditions

If Centaur: 7 Move (Mounted), +2 damage vs. mounted and flying.

If Cyclops: 4 Move, Axe increases damage dice (1d6 -> 1d8), +6 STR and DEF.

If Gargoyle: 8 Move (Flying), +4 SPD and SKL.