Non-ChesBay Research

Analytical methodologies for determining the occurrence of endocrine disrupting chemicals in sewage treatment plants and natural waters - Lagana, A., A. Bacaloni, I. De Leva, A. Faberi, G. Fago, and A. Marino. 2004.  Analytica Chimica Acta 501:79–88.

A qualitative meta-analysis reveals consistent effects of atrazine on freshwater fish and amphibians - Rohr, J.R. and K.A. McCoy. 2011. . Environmental Health Perspectives 118:20–32.

Assessment of feminization of male fish in English rivers by the Environment Agency of England and Wales - Gross-Sorokin, M.Y., S.D. Roast, and G.C. Brighty. 2006.  Environmental Health Perspectives 114(Suppl. 1):147-151.

Atrazine-induced hermaphroditism at 0.1 ppb in American leopard frogs (Rana pipiens): laboratory and field evidence - Hayes, T., K. Haston, M. Tsui, A. Hoang, C. Haeffele, and A. Vonk. 2003.  Environmental Health Perspectives 111:568–575.

Chemical and biological analysis of endocrine-disrupting hormones and estrogenic activity in an advanced sewage treatment plant - Muller, M., F. Rabenoelina, P. Balaguer, D. Patureau, K. Lemenach, H. Budzinski, D. Barcelo, M. Lopez de Alda, M. Kuster, J-P. Delgenes, and G. Hernandez-Raquet. 2008.  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27:1649-1658

Chronic toxicity of atrazine to sago pondweed at a range of salinities: Implications for criteria development and ecological risk. - Hall, L.W. Jr., R. D. Anderson, and M. S. Ailstock. 1997. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 33:261-267.

Combined effects of herbicides on biomarkers reflecting immune–endocrine interactions in goldfish: Immune and antioxidant effects - Fatima M., S.N.M. Mandiki, J. Douxfils, F. Silvestre , P. Coppe, and P. Kestemont. 2007.  Aquatic Toxicology 81:159–167.

Comparative study of transport processes of nitrogen, phosphorus, and herbicides to streams in five agricultural basins, USA. - Domagalski, J.L., S. Ator, R. Coupe, K. McCarthy, D. Lampe, M. Sandstrom, and N. Baker. 2008.  Journal of Environmental Quality 37:1158-1169.

Co-occurrence of triclocarban and triclosan in U.S. water resources - Halden, R.U. and D.H. Paull. 2005.  Environmental Science and Technology 39:1420-1426.

DDT, DDD, and DDE in birds. In: Environmental Contaminants in Wildlife: Interpreting Tissue Concentration. - Blus, L. J. 1996.  W.N. Beyer, G.H. Heinz, and A.W. Redmon-Norwood, editors. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL. Pages 49-91.

Detections of the Neonicotinoid Insecticide Imidacloprid in Surface Waters of Three Agricultural Regions of California, USA, 2010–2011 - Keith Starner, Kean S. Goh Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology March 2012, Volume 88, Issue 3, pp 316-321

DevelopmentalEffectsofEndocrine-Disrupting Chemicals in Wildlife and Humans - Colborn, T., F.S. vom Saal, and A.M. Soto. 1993. Developmental effects of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in wildlife and humans. Environmental Health Perspectives 101:378-384.

Early-Life Exposure of Frogs to Herbicide Increases Mortality From Fungal Disease - The herbicide atrazine increased mortality from chytridiomycosis, a disease causing worldwide amphibian declines

Early-life exposure to a herbicide has enduring effects on pathogen-induced mortality - Jason R. Rohr1⇑,     Thomas R. Raffel1,2,     Neal T. Halstead1,     Taegan A. McMahon1,     Steve A. Johnson3,     Raoul K. Boughton4 and     Lynn B. Martin1

Effects of dose and glycosylation on the transfer of genistein into the eggs of Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) - Lin, F., J. Wu, M.A. Abdelnabi, M.A. Ottinger, and M.M. Guisti. 2004.  Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 52:2397-2403.

Environmental chemicals: Evaluating low-dose effects environ health perspective - Birnbaum, L.S. 2012. Environmental Health Perspectives 120(4):a143–a144.

Estimating contributions of nitrogen and herbicides from groundwater to headwater streams, Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain - Ator, S.W. and Denver, J.M. 2012. Estimating contributions of nitrogen and herbicides from groundwater to headwater streams, Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain, USA. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 8: 1075-1090

Fish endocrine disruption responses to a major wastewater treatment facility upgrade. - Barber, L.B., A.M. Vajda, C. Douville, D.O. Norris, and J.H. Writer. 2012.  Environmental Science and Technology 46:2121-2131.

French Wine Test Finds Pesticides in Each of 92 Bottles Analyzed - Laboratory testing of 92 French wines from across the country found pesticide traces in every bottle, including those made from organically-grown grapes, consumer organization UFC-Que Choisir reported.

Guidance for assessing chemical contaminant data for use in fish advisories - USEPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency). 2000a. Washington, DC. USEPA 823-B-00-007

Health advice on eating fish and gamefish - NYDH (New York Department of Health). 2012.  Albany, NY.

Herbicide impact on non-target plant reproduction: What are the toxicological and ecological implications? - Many non-target plants have reached reproductive stages at herbicide spray time. •      Delay and reduction in reproduction occurred on plants sprayed at seedling stage. •      Reproduction was often reduced on plants sprayed during reproductive periods. •      Reproductive stages often exhibited more sensitivity than the seedling stage. •      Ecological risk assessment should include tests with reproductive endpoints. C. Boutina, Corresponding author contact information, E-mail the corresponding author,     B. Strandbergb,     D. Carpentera, E-mail the corresponding author,     S.K. Mathiassenc,     P.J. Thomas

Histologic, immunologic and endocrine biomarkers indicate contaminant effects in fishes of the Ashtabula River. - Iwanowicz, L.R., V.S. Blazer, N.P. Hitt, S.D. McCormick, D.S. DuVault, and C.A. Ottinger. 2012.  Ecotoxicology 21:654-682.

Hormones and endocrine disrupting chemicals: Low-dose effects and nonmonotonic dose responses - Vandenberg, L.N., T. Colburn, T.B. Hayes, J.J. Heindel, D.R. Jacobs Jr., D.-H. Lee, T. Shioda, A.M. Soto, F.S. vom Saal, W.V. Welshons, R.T. Zoeller, and J.P. Myers. 2012.  Endocrine Reviews 33:378-455

Immunotoxicity biomarkers in fish: development, validation and application for field studies and risk assessment - Zelikoff, J.T., E. Carlson, Y. Li, A. Raymond, J. Duffy, J.R. Beaman, and M. Anderson. 2002.  Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 8:253-263

Impact of 2,3,7,8-TCDD exposure on survival, growth, and behaviour of ospreys breeding in Wisconsin, USA. - Woodford, J.E., W.H. Karasov, M.W. Meyer, and L. Chambers. 1998. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 17:1323-1331.

Impact of environmental endocrine disruptors on sexual differentiation in birds and mammals - Ottinger, M.A. and F.S. vom Saal. 2002. In: Hormones and Behavior in Higher Vertebrates, Volume 4.D.A. Pfaff, A. Arnold, A. Etgen, and R. Rubin, editors. Academic Press, San Diego, CA. Pages 325-383.

Interim Report on Data and Methods for Assessment of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin Risks to Aquatic Life and Associated Wildlife - USEPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency). 1993.  Environmental Research Laboratory, Office of Research and Development, US EPA, Duluth, MN. EPA/600/R-93/055

Large effects from small exposures. 1. Mechanisms for endocrine-disrupting chemicals with estrogenic activity - Welshons, W.V., K.A. Thayer, B.M. Judy, J.A. Taylor, E.M. Curran and F.S. vom Saal. 2003.  Environmental Health Perspectives 111:994-1006

Neonicotinoid clothianidin adversely affects insect immunity and promotes replication of a viral pathogen in honey bees - Gennaro Di Priscoa,     Valeria Cavaliereb,     Desiderato Annosciac,     Paola Varricchioa,     Emilio Caprioa,     Francesco Nazzic,     Giuseppe Gargiulob, and     Francesco Pennacchioa,1

New effects of Roundup on amphibians: Predators reduce herbicide mortality; herbicides induce antipredator morphology - Rick A. Relyea 2012. New effects of Roundup on amphibians: Predators reduce herbicide mortality; herbicides induce antipredator morphology. Ecological Applications 22:634–647.

Occurrence and potential sources of pyrethroid insecticides in stream sediments from seven U.S. metropolitan areas - Kuivila, K.M., M.L. Hladik, C.G. Ingersoll, N.E. Kemble, P.W. Moran, D.L. Calhoun, L.H. Nowell, and R.J. Gilliom. 2012.  Environmental Science and Technology 46:4297-4303.

Occurrence and toxicity of antimicrobial triclosan and by-products in the environment. - Bedoux, G., B. Roig, O. Thomas, V. Dupont, and B. LeBot. 2012. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 19:1044-1065.

Organochlorine pesticide, polychlorobiphenyl, and mercury residues in bald eagle eggs—1969-79—and their relationships to shell thinning and reproduction. - Wiemeyer, S.N., T.G. Lamont, C.M. Bunck, C.R. Sindelar, F.J. Gramlich, J.D. Fraser, and M.A. Byrd. 1984.  Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 13:529-549

Pesticides harm more than bees - Goulson, D. J. Appl. Ecol. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12111 (2013).

Pesticides industry sales and usage—2000 and 2001 market estimates. - Kiely,T., D. Donaldson, and A. Grube. 2004.  USEPA, Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances, Washington, DC. EPA-733-R-04-001.

Pesticides in Ground Water - Barbash, J.E., and E. A. Resek. 1996. Pesticides in Ground Water. Chelsea Press, Ann Arbor, MI. 588 pages.

Pesticides reduce regional biodiversity of stream invertebrates - Mikhail A. Beketova, Ben J. Keffordb, Ralf B. Schäferc, and Matthias Liessa Department of System Ecotoxicology, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, 04318 Leipzig, Germany; Centre for Environmental Sustainability, School of the Environment, University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2007, Australia; and Quantitative Landscape Ecology, Institute for Environmental Sciences, University of Koblenz-Landau, 76829 Landau, Germany Edited by David Pimentel, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, and accepted by the Editorial Board May 13, 2013 (received for review March 25, 2013)

Pesticide usage in the United States: History, benefits, risks, and trends - Delaplane, K.S. 1996. . Cooperative Extension Service, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia Project 93-EPIX-1-145.

Photochemical conversion of Triclosan to 2,8-dichlorodibenzo-p- in aqueous solution - Latch, D.E., Packer, J.L., Arnolda, W.A. and McNeill, K. 2000. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 158:63-66.

Population-Based Biomonitoring of Exposure to Organophosphate and Pyrethroid Pesticides in New York City - Wendy McKelvey,1 J. Bryan Jacobson,1 Daniel Kass,1 Dana Boyd Barr,2 Mark Davis,3 Antonia M. Calafat,3 and Kenneth M. Aldous

Poultry litter–induced endocrine disruption in fathead minnow, sheepshead minnow, and mummichog laboratory exposures - Yonkos, L., D.J. Fisher, P.A. VanVeld, A.S. Kane, B.L. McGee, and K.W. Staver. 2010.  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 29:2328-2340

Sex steroid levels in developing and adult male and female zebra finches - Adkins-Regan E, Abdelnabi M, Mobarak M, Ottinger MA. Source Department of Psychology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853-7601.

Sexual behavior in Japanese quail as a test end point for endocrine disruption: Effects of in ovo exposure to ethinylestradiol and diethylstilbestrol - Halldin, K., C. Berg, I. Brandt, and B. Brunstrom. 1999.  Environmental Health Perspectives 107:861-866.

Stress a key factor in causing bee colonies to fail - Scientists from Royal Holloway have found that when bees are exposed to low levels of neonicotinoid pesticides - which do not directly kill bees - their behaviour changes and they stop working properly for their colonies. The results showed that exposure to pesticides at levels bees encounter in the field, has subtle impacts on individual bees, and can eventually make colonies fail.

Surfactant effects on environmental behavior of pesticides. - Katagi, T. 2008.  Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 194:71-177.

Temporal changes in surface-water insecticide after the phaseout of diazinon and chlorpyrifos - Phillips, P.J., S.W. Ator, and E.A. Nystrom. 2007.  Environmental Science and Technology 41:4246-4251

The antimicrobial triclocarban stimulates embryo production in the freshwater mudsnail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) - Guidice, B.D. and T.M. Young. 2009.  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 29:966-970.

The quality of our nation's waters—Pesticides in the Nation's streams and ground water, 1992–2001 - Gilliom, R.J., J.E. Barbash, C.G.Crawford, P.A. Hamilton, J.D. Martin, N. Nakagaki, L.H. Nowell, J.C. Scott, P.E. Stackelberg, G.P. Thelin, and D.M. Wolock. 2006.  U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1291. 172 pages.

Trends and transformation of nutrients and pesticides in a coastal plain aquifer system, United States - Denver, J.M., A.J. Tesoriero, and J.R. Barbaro. 2010. Journal of Environmental Quality 39:154-167.

Triclosan: environmental exposure, toxicity, and mechanisms of action - Dann, A.B, and A. Hontela. 2010.  Journal of Applied Toxicology 31:285-311.

Triclosan Exposure Increases Triclosan Resistance and Influences Taxonomic Composition of Benthic Bacterial Communities - ACS ActiveView PDFHi-Res Print, Annotate, Reference QuickView     PDF [1942 KB]     PDF w/ Links[307 KB]     Full Text HTML      Abstract     Supporting Info ->     Figures     Reference QuickView     Add to ACS ChemWorx   Bradley Drury †, John Scott ‡, Emma J. Rosi-Marshall §, and John J. Kelly †* † Department of Biology, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, 60660, United States ‡ Illinois Sustainable Technology Center, Champaign, Illinois, 61820, United States § Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, New York, 12545, United States

Understanding the net effects of pesticides on amphibian trematode infections - Rohr, J.R., T.R. Raffel, S.K. Sessions, and P.J. Hudson. 2008a.  Ecological Applications 18:1743-1753

Understanding the net effects of pesticides on amphibian trematode infections - Rohr, J.R., T.R. Raffel, S.K. Sessions, and P.J. Hudson. 2008a.  Ecological Applications 18:1743-1753

USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture). 2009. Pesticide Data Program – Annual Summary - USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture). 2009. Pesticide Data Program – Annual Summary Calendar Year 2009. Manassas, VA.

USGS Annual Pesticide Use Maps: 1992-2009 - USGS Pesticide National Synthesis Project. County-level pesticide use estimates are available in in tabular format.

Using video-tracking to assess sublethal effects of pesticides on honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) - Bethany S. Teeters,     Reed M. Johnson†*,     Marion D. Ellis,     Blair D. Siegfried  Article first published online: 27 APR 2012

Widespread occurrence of intersex in black basses (Micropterus spp.) from U.S. rivers, 1995–2004 - Hinck, J-E., V.S. Blazer, C.J. Schmitt, D.M. Papoulias, and D.E. Tillitt. 2009.  Aquatic Toxicology 90:60-70.