CBP report: Toxic Contaminants in ChesBay & Watershed

Reproductive health of yellow perch Perca flavescens in selected tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay - Observations that could significantly impact egg viability were an apparent lack of final maturation, abnormal yolk and thin, irregular zona pellucida. These were observed primarily in ovaries from Severn, South and less commonly Mattawoman Creek perch. The potential association of these observations with urbanization, impervious surface and chemical contaminants is discussed. Vicki S. Blazer, Alfred E. Pinkneyb, Jill A. Jenkins,Luke R. Iwanowicz, Steven Minkkinenb, Rassa O. Draugelis-Dalec, James H. Uphoffd,

Toxic Contaminants in the Chesapeake Bay and its Watershed: Extent and Severity of Occurrence and Potential Biological Effects - US Environmental Protection Agency, US Geological Survey, US Fish and Wildlife Service, 2012 Toxic Contaminants in the Chesapeake Bay and its Watershed: Extent and Severity of Occurrence and Potential Biological Effects, USEPA Chesapeake Bay Program Office, Annapolis, MD, December, 2012, 175 pages.