New York City Reporting Law

Pesticide Use Reporting by New York City Agencies

Local Law 37 requires similar record keeping to [NYS] § 33-1205, but also requires that agency staff and contractors record, for each pesticide application; the dosage rate, method of application, target organism, the name of the active ingredient of the pesticide product, and certification that prior notice was provided to affected parties (see “Notification Requirements For Compliance with Local Law 37” fact sheet). These additional reporting requirements apply to pesticide applications made beginning January 1, 2006.

"Pesticide Tracking in New York City - Comprehensive PowerPoint presentation by the New York City Department of Health & Mental Hygiene

"Pests & Pesticides in New York City" - PowerPoint presentation comprehensively discussing the city's pest problems and how they are addressed.  By Daniel Kass, Assistant Commissioner,  NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene