q. Velleman K8055-1 experiment board to 32-bit PIC32MX250F128B/PIC32MX270F256B and 16-bit PIC24FJ64GB002 adapter schematic

32-bit PIC32MX250F128B/PIC32MX270F256B microcontroller is much more powerful than 8-bit PIC16C745. It enables a wide range of new programming options. Here is the adapter that makes your K8055 board 32-bit and also adds an optional PICkit 2 and 3 programming/debugging connector (for K8055N experiment board upgrade click here):

VB.NET application for PIC32MX250F128B is available in PIC32MX250F128B_Example 1.zip or PIC32MX250F128B_Example 1 (x64).zip file from Downloads section.

VB.NET application for PIC24FJ64GB002 is available in PIC24FJ64GB002_VB Example 1.zip file from Downloads section.


- Microsoft Visual Basic.NET programming support.

- ICSP Programmer for PIC32 microcontroller family

- Velleman K8055N-2 board to 32-bit PIC32MX250F128B/PIC32MX270F256B adapter schematic

NOTE: If you are having troubles with firmly soldering FOX924B crystal oscillator to your PCB, click here to read how you can do it. Alternatively, you can use an external crystal resonator. However, in this case RA3 pin would be unavailable to application software.

a.) ...with 2N2222 voltage level adapters for PWM and D/A:

PIC16C745 socket interface in making. Click on the photo to enlarge it.

PIC32MX250F128B/PIC32MX270F256B to K8055 adapter in operation - side view. Click on the photo to enlarge it.

Click on the schematic to enlarge it.

b) ....with advanced voltage level adapters for PWM and D/A (NPN transistor - 2N2222 & P-MOSFET transistor BSS 92) that enable better conversion and wider PWM and D/A range

PIC32MX250F128B/PIC32MX270F256B to K8055 adapter in operation - top view. Click on the photo to enlarge it.

Click on the schematic to enlarge it.