al. How to connect PIC32MZ2048ECH100 PIM to a standard PCB or Velleman K8055N-2 experiment board?

PIC32MZ2048ECH100 is one of the latest and most advanced Microchip PIC microcontrollers. The chip is only produced in SMD (surface mounted device) version. It is hard to solder to a PCB by hand due to its TQFP casing with very small distance between pins (0.4 mm). However it is possible to buy a cheap TQFP adapter (cost less than $2) from Futurlec, but you still need a steady hand an excellent soldering iron station with small enough soldering tip (0.25 mm or less).

PIC32MZ2048ECH100 PIM (top side). Click on the photo to enlarge it.

If you prefer not to build your own test circuit for PIC32MZ microcontrollers, you may as well make an adapter for Velleman K8055N-2 (or even K8055-1) experiment board. It is advisable to use K8055N-2 which already has a 3.3 V voltage regulator. The adapter is relatively easy to build, because the 24 MHz oscillator circuit is already included in the PIM. Alternatively, if you use a TQFP adapter and you solder PIC32MZ2048ECH100 microcontroller yourself, you will still have to make your own 12 MHz or 24 MHz oscillator or resonator circuit.


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Velleman K8055N-2 to PIC32MZ2048ECH100 PIM adapter

You may as well opt for Microchip Experiment board 16, but it is expensive and it offers less free I/O pins.

There is also an alternative. You may buy a fully assembled PIM (plug-in module) which incorporates the oscillator circuit and some other discrete electronic components, like capacitors and some setup switches. But don't get confused by the photos on the right hand side. Spacing between the soldered contacts on the board rim is just 1.27 mm, which is twice less than 2.54 mm (1/10 of an inch) spacing that is normally used for through whole components. There are also 4 female ladder connectors with 1.27 mm spacing on the bottom side. The best option is to buy mail 4 25-contacts male ladder connectors and use them to connect PIM to your circuit.

But this is not trivial! One still has to cope with 1.27 mm spacing between pins. 2.54 mm distance may be achieved by bending odd and even contacts on the soldering side of the ladder connector to left and right respectively.

PIC32MZ2048ECH100 PIM (bottom side). Click on the photo to enlarge it.