aj. Building a simple Weather station



I would like to build a simple weather station without LCD-s and optionally without radio communications. Is it possible to use the same PIC18F26J50 firmware?


Yes! It is possible! PIC18F26J50 firmware v2.7.8 or later is a configurable firmware. Use PC USB Projects HEX Editor v3.0 with PIC18F26J50 v13 - weather station.fwi that are included in the PIC18F26J50 firmware v2.7.8 - unversal.zip file to create your customized *.HEX file. The RMU and I2C display addresses will be preset to 0 and the external modules will not be used. You also don't have to connect primary LCD. Simply let the pins empty. Should you decide to use just a HP03 air pressure sensor or just a TH02 humidity sensor, you just set the corresponding parameter to 0. You can even relocate I2C interface to other ports, or pins with appropriate "SW I2C" settings. You must also set RFM69CW transceiver initialization parameter to 0, if you need no radio communications. But you can use the same Weather Station v2.9 application to display weather information on a PC.

SIMPLE WEATHER STATION: Click on the schematic to enlarge it.